Getting Used to Chaos

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I hated Alex at first but he grew on me.

"Seriously how are you an intern and drive a Mercedes?" Izzie asks me as we all get out of our cars.

"It's a family car."

"Right." She rolls her eyes.

"Yikes, wouldn't want to meet you in a dark alley." Meredith comments as Cristina parks her bike.

"Right back at you."

"Eww, you run." I state looking at Alex in a tracksuit.

"Everyday cheekbones. Everyday." He sings at me while jogging in place and even doing jumping jacks.

"Not suffering enough?"

"What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger."

"Well, lack of sleep will kill you and exercise sucks."

"You're a doctor how can you say that?"

"I'm a doctor who hates to exercise and loves her sleep. I'm a walking and breathing oxymoron."

"Don't go acting all indefatigable. Benoist is right. You're dragging like the rest of us." She says through a stuffy nose.

"Oh, what is that...professional weakness, Dr. Yang?" Alex taunts her.

"It's called the flu."

"I literally fell asleep while reading up on a hysterectomy surgery." I state as change into my scrubs.

"Well, I need a major rush to make it through this day. I need a kick-ass surgery." George complains.

"Hey, we all need and want those. I love patient care but...rectal and checkups get boring without any action." I state as I tie my hair up.

"Ooh, you a bad boy last night, George?" Alex asks him.

"That would-be Meredith." Izzie states with a smirk on her face.

"You a bad boy, Meredith?"

"Yeah, like how bad are you?" I ask joking around with her.

"Nothing to tell."

"That says it all, huh?" Cristina winks at her. Izzie slams her locker door.

"Sorry, I have a sex life."

"Don't apologize. The people next to my hotel room for the past two nights have nothing but raging sex and I'm pretty envious." I state.

"You live in a hotel room?" George asks me shocked.

"Yeah, I'm still apartment hunting and I haven't found the right place."

"Well, it must be expensive living out of a hotel."

"Not more than a nice apartment. At least I don't have to wash my sheets or clean."

"Yeah, next time just let me know if I need to go to the hotel that Gen stays at. So that I can get some sleep." Izzie is cold as she says this to Mer.

"Am I missing something?"

"You were just a little loud." George follows Izzie.

"Do they know it's McDreamy keeping them up all night?" Cristina asks her.

"I hope not. I already have Bailey riding me. I don't need my roommates thinking I get special treatment."

"Oh, you're getting some special treatment." I state to her with a wink and she rolls her eyes.

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