Here Comes Mrs. Shepherd

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Next chapter is going to be hilarious. Stay tuned.

"Hey!" Cristina just barges into my room without asking. "Are these all the snacks from the pantry?" She asks looking around at my bed that you can barely see from the pile of bags of chips, crackers, popcorn, and sweets.

"I was going to share but...I wanted to sample everything and it turned to this." I motion to the pile of food. "I will replace it all."

"I don't care about the food." Cristina piles into my bed making room for herself. She grabs a bag of chips and begins munching down.

"Is there something you wanted to talk about?" I ask her as I eat an Oreo.

"How close were you to starting a relationship with Owen?"


"I mean were you really invested or...was it just something for you to get over Mark?"

"I...I have no idea what I was trying to do with Owen. It never went anywhere past that kiss." I look up and notice Cristina being a little anxious. "Why?"

"I've been on his service more often these past few weeks. And...after having to watch someone else do that solo surgery I...Owen helped me calm down."

"Is this your way telling me you have the hots for Owen?" I tease her and she throws some popcorn at me.

"Seriously how invested were you?"

"I...not that serious." I respond to her. "Owen is a good guy. He's going to push anyone and everyone away because he's been through a lot."

"Did he tell you everything he went through?" I shake my head.

"He's a hard one to get to know but...if you're willing to put in the work he's worth it."

"And you weren't willing to put in the work?" I look at her.

"I need to focus on myself for a while. These complicated relationships have kept me from focusing on the task at hand. I want to be a great surgeon but I need to get my head in the game before I lose that chance."

"You know I would have been honored to lose the solo surgery to you."


"You're a force in the O.R. people stop what they are doing and watch how easily you move. It's like watching an intricate dance. And no one would never know this doesn't come easy to you."

"I still love Mark. But I need him to love himself before he can truly love me. That's the clarity I found during this break. I tried to find something with Owen and whatever small amount it was. It was nice but I now understand that I need to make myself better too. I'm not ready to be the person Mark or anyone wants or needs."

"That's very mature of you."

"Well, I'm trying to grow up no matter how much I hate it."

"Meredith and I are fighting."

"I know." She leans closer to me and rests her head on my shoulder.

"She made it personal."

"I know."

"What am I going to do?"

"Time does heal wounds, Cristina. But this this sisterhood you two have with each other is not over."

"How would you repair it?"

"I would make sure she knows how much she means to me. People fight and say horrible things to each other. But if the relationship is strong enough. If there is enough love between two people. Nothing can keep them apart."

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