Coming Home to a Battlefield

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Here is one of many reunions with Gen's family. Enjoy there will be more of them.

"You don't have to do this. We can just have a vacation and not even tell them..."

"I need to do this." I squeezed Mark's hand. "Thank you for supporting me in any decision I make." I lean up and kiss him.

"And if any of them start shit I will...I will let you put them in their place."

"You might have to keep me from smacking Colette."

"You'll have to keep me from hitting your dick of a brother Henry."

"Yeah, he's a dick." I joke.

"Are you sure uh making an appearance at Apple's birthday is the right decision?"

"It's less chance of them all getting mad." I explain to Mark.

"Okay, we can do this." Mark squeezes my hand tighter as we walk up to Colette's home.

"One of us needs to knock."

"I'm holding the present." Mark replies.

"Let go of my hand and knock." I order.

"You let go of my hand and knock."

"No, you let go..." I stop talking as the door opens and my mother stands at the door with a displeased look on her face.


"Hi, mom."

"Mark." She doesn't even smile at him.

"Hello, Ms. Deveraux." Mark smiles at her and she nods her head.

"Well will you two argue who will knock on the door or will you two join the party?"

"We'd love to join the party ma'am." Mark squeezes my hand as he leads me up the stairs.

"It's nice to see you, Genevieve."

"It's nice to see you too mom."

"The presents are kept in the piano room. Everyone is outside. Colette has a circus theme." My mom is cold.

"I love the circus." Mark exclaims with a smile on his face. "I can do a mean balloon dog."

"There's a buffet out back too. Please help yourselves."


"It's wonderful to see you." She brings me into a hug. I'm still tense in her arms. "Your sisters are all here and will love to see you."

"Henry and Frankie aren't?"

"They stayed for thirty minutes and gave Apple her gift. Simone and Noelle are dance camp and won't be  back until next week."

"Damn I was hoping for some buffer."

"Be nice Genevieve. Your sisters love having you home. You haven't been home in a while."

"I know mom." She leaves us to tend to other guests.

"You ready to face the fire?" Mark asks me.

"Thank god there will be booze or my answer will be hell no."

"That's my girl." He kisses my cheek. We walk through Colette's home following the sounds of children laughing and women gossiping. This is one hell of a jump into cold water. Colette spares no expense for her parties and her daughter's eighth birthday is evidence of that. Colette has transformed her backyard into a real-life circus. There are horses dressed as unicorns. Men on stilts juggling fire and so much more.

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