Cheating Scandals

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Sending my mother packing was not one of my finest moments. Colette left me a wonderful voicemail telling me so and I deleted right afterward. Colette has always been up my mother's ass and it shows. Izzie has gotten the holiday bug and got us crafts for Halloween. Something to take our minds off things. Taking the innards from a pumpkin is weirdly therapeutic. "What are you guys doing up?" Meredith asks us.

"Couldn't sleep." Izzie, Alex, and I answer as we continue our crafts.

"What is that?" Izzie asks and we look up seeing Meredith dump something into a plastic bag.

"My mother." I start gagging.

"Happy freakin' Halloween." Alex grimaces as we just watch Meredith casually place her mother's ashes into a bag.

"Please I...I will throw up." I state and Meredith looks at me.

"You're a surgeon and ashes make you throw up?"

"Seriously get it out or I wil..." I start gagging and everyone jumps.


"Meredith!" Izzie yells.

"Fine." Meredith scurries off with her mom and I start calming down.

"This is why I didn't go into pathology. Being surrounded by the dead disturbing to me." I shake my hands and go back to carving the pumpkin.

Meredith's weird obsession with her mother's ashes doesn't stop at home. She brings it to work and all the residents are grossed out watching her by her cubby. "What are we looking at?" Cristina inquires.

"Meredith put her mom in a baggie and brought her to work." Izzie explains to her as we continue to stare.

"I had to get her out of my closet. She was haunting me."

"And now she's haunting us all." Alex comments as he eats his snack.

"I'm putting her to rest."

"Meredith is cleansing." Sydney explains. "In tribal culture, when one wants to cleanse the past, one cuts off all of one's hair and buries it in the Earth. You might try that, too."

"Okay listen up." Callie and Bailey barge into the room. "Today is a holiday, which means the pit will be overrun. You've got the usual drunken stupidity..."

"And then you've got Seattle's annual chain saw pumpkin carving contest. I love this city." Dr. Bailey has a big smile on her face.

"Stay on your toes. Stay on top of your interns, okay?" Callie instructs us.

"So we should round before heading to the pit or..."

"Yeah, you should direct your questions to Dr. Bailey, Stevens." Callie interrupts Izzie and I feel where this is going and it's not good.

"Oh, we're directing our questions to Dr. Bailey?" Cristina questions.

"Oh, not you. Just Stevens."

"Why is Stevens directing her questions to Dr. Bailey?" Bailey asks Callie.

"Because she's been sleeping with my husband." Everyone's jaws dropped as Callie just casually says this. "All righty then. Have a good day." Once Callie leaves we all look to Izzie who is finding more comfort looking at the ceiling before running off.

"Okay, this is even more disturbing than your bagful of mommy."

"Were either of your mothers like really controlling?" I ask Meredith and Cristina.

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