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Thank you for supporting me. Sorry for the long wait in-between updates. I have a lot of family obligations I had to deal with this week. Enjoy this update.

3rd Person POV

"Oh my god." Meredith and Cristina are gushing over the drama that is circulating around Gen and her father.

"I can't believe her dad is the man behind all of this?"

"Believe it!" Cristina is flipping through the magazine. "Look her dad makes millions off of this trash."

"It's not trash." Alex takes the magazine from the girls and admires the handy work of Gen's father. "This is gold!"

"Pervert." Cristina insults him and Alex lets it roll right off him

"Nothing wrong for admiring this good work."

"How did you not know this about Gen? You two are best friends. You tell each other everything." Meredith asks Alex.

"She doesn't talk about her dad much since he left."

"He left?"

"Yeah, he left the family so he could make this."

"Okay, why do all of you have daddy issues?" Cristina asks.

"I do not have daddy issues." Meredith fires back and Cristina raises her brow at her and Meredith sighs. "Okay, I might have some but...okay, I have a lot."

"Gen just doesn't like talking about her dad."

"Ugh, she doesn't like talking about her family in general. Hello, how many times are we going to be introduced to Gen's perfect model looking, family members? 3 out of billion and they're super-rich." Cristina fires back at Alex.

"So her dad just left their family to start a racy magazine?"

"I mean she hasn't told me everything but from what I could tell his family wasn't enough for him. He wanted more."

"I like him."


"What? The man knew what he wanted and he went after it. Nothing wrong with that."

"There is something wrong when he leaves without a word." Everyone stops chattering as Gen stands behind them with a stern look on her face. "I know you all don't understand my family and the relationship I have with them. But here's one thing. The reason I don't mention my father is because he was the man who was there for every minuscule event of all my sibling's lives. He was the lacrosse coach. He was there for every dance recital and pageant contest. Hell, he even dressed up as Barney but quickly found out that my sister Madeleine is terrified of Barney. He was there and then he wasn't. It was my tenth birthday. I had a party at the movies and when I came home I was waiting for my dad to be there but he wasn't. I looked all over the house for him and all I found was his stuff gone from every inch of the house. And then there was a note. He listed out how sorry he was for not being there to say goodbye but he had to leave. And that leaving us we thought was for a short business trip but the missed calls and avoidance on his part made it clear. So yes he knew what he wanted and it wasn't his family. He affected seven people's lives and he doesn't give a damn."

"Gen!" Alex runs after her and Cristina is sitting there with Meredith.

"Was I being a bitch?" Cristina asks Meredith.

"No, uh...you were being you."

"I don't speak girl so..."

"You don't have to but I think Gen has a lot of baggage like the rest of us and we just have to be there for each other."

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