Filling Out Forms

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Thank you for the support. I loved writing this chapter so I hope you all enjoy it.

"There is no way you did that."

"I swear I did." I down my next shot.

"You did not build a human heart with Legos for one of your talents."

"I did and I won because of it. I even timed myself." I boast about my youth accomplishments. "How about we try a new game?"

"You want to lose again?" Cristina asks me. "Because I kicked your ass in shots."

"You won because I started to choke on my tequila shot."

"Because I am awesome."

"Okay lets so who's awesome."

"Obviously I am." I reach into my bag and pull out two bananas. "Have a potassium problem?"

"I say we play a game of who does the best running Whipple. Loser takes the shot."

"And how do we decide who has the best?" I think for a second and scan the bar.

"Callie!" I call out and she looks up at me frantically calling her over like a madwoman.

"Uh, why are you calling Callie?" Cristina asks me.

"She the least objective. She is friends with me and roommates with you so...she can be neutral."

"Damn beauty and brains." Cristina high fives me as Callie makes her way to us.

"You yelled for me?"

"We need you to judge our running Whipple." Cristina and I say in unison.


"We're having a friendly contest and we need you to judge us so..."

"You want me to judge you two?"

"Yeah, and then the loser drinks the shot." I explain to her and she looks at the two of us like we're insane.

"Why are you..."

"Callie we're bonding so judge us damnit!" Cristina fires at her.

"Okay fine I'll do it."

"You're going down." I hand Cristina one of my suture kits.

"Do you just carry bananas and suture kits around with you always?" Callie asks.

"Of course." I answer like it's no big deal. "You never know when this will come around." I state motioning to Cristina and me.

"Okay get your bananas ready and...go!" Cristina and I quickly work on our bananas every once in a while looking over at each other's work to see the progress.

"Your banana sucks."

"Is that the best insult you got Yang?"

"You're going to be my bitch when I win this." Cristina is really feeling herself.

"In your dreams."

"I always dream about winning." Cristina and I slam our suture kit down at the same time screaming for Callie to check our work. "Your work sucks."

"You suck."

"Wow, both of your insults are weak." Callie states to us as she looks over our work one more time.

"Who's the winner?" Cristina demands.

"It's so me. I know it is."

"No, it's me. Remember you live with me."

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