Holiday Storms

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This just the tip of the drama to come with Sloan. Enjoy.

"Genevieve!" My mom scolds me. "That is no way to greet someone."

"I...what are you three doing here?" I ask closing the apartment door and keeping them in the hall.

"The girls are on winter break and I had some business to take care of out here and thought it would be nice to pay you and Mark." My mom still grimaces as she says his name. "A visit at the holidays."

"Well is not a great time. I..."

"Gen what's...holy shit."  Mark blurts out seeing my mom and sisters.

"Nice to see you too Mark." My mom glares at him.

"Mom you said this was going to be a fun trip." Simone complains.

"I did darling. But I also said we would be visiting with Genevieve."

"Uh...hey why didn't I know about you coming for this impromptu visit?" I ask my mom.

"Because if she had told you we were coming you would have made an excuse to not see us." Noelle states with a smirk.

"That's not true."

"So true." Simone adds. "You bailed on our family vacation three years ago."

"I had my intern exam and it couldn't be rescheduled or would be dropped from the program."

"Can I use your bathroom?" Noelle is already pushing her past Mark and me.

"No don't..." It's too late my sister opens the door and there sits Sloan at the kitchen counter fixing her hair.

"Seems to me there is another guest." My mom maneuvers past me. "Hello, and you are?" She asks Sloan and I feel like I want to pass out.

"Sloan Riley." Sloan introduces herself. My mom nods her head and looks at me.

"Sloan is Mark's kid."

"I can gather that Genevieve. You've been rather busy." She eyes me up and down now and it makes me question my outfit.

"You're a mom?" Simone asks me and I groan in annoyance having them here.

"Not a mom."

"But you said she's Slutty Sloan's daughter."

"Noelle!" My mom scolds my sister.

"Charlotte came up with it not me." Noelle defends.

"So um...Eleanor it is our pleasure to have you here in Seattle. Do you have a place to stay because we can make..." My mom holds up her hand and stops Mark.

"No need for that. The girls and I just wanted to spend some time with Genevieve if she can make time for us."

"Um...yeah I can."

"So it's settled then." My mom claps her hands.

"I can have a dinner catered to this place in time for Christmas and..."

"Um, mom that won't be necessary."

"Darling you can't eat frozen meals on Christmas you need a celebratory meal for such an occasion." She lectures me.

"We will. Our friends Meredith and Derek are hosting Christmas at their house. So I'll ask them to add three to the dinner."

"Well, it will be wonderful to get to know your friends." My mom smiles. "Now let me take you all out to lunch."

"Mom that's..."

"It's not a question Genevieve." I look to Mark who is terrified.

"All right. Noelle, the bathroom is the first door on the left."

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