Open Hearts and Minds

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Here's another update, enjoy.

"How are things going with Erica?" I ask Callie since we have the apartment to ourselves. Meredith and Cristina are bonding right now and it's high time Callie and I had some girl talk.

"Oh, you mean the whole amazing sex or the fact that I made her cry after sex." I stop pouring wine in her glass and look at her.

"She...what?" I ask confused. Callie takes my hands and forces me to pour her a big glass of wine.

"You heard me. We finally did sex right and I made her cry."

"Like a good cry?"

"She said I made her finally see. She gave the analogy of her getting glasses and being able to see the world for the first time."

"Uh..." I take a giant gulp of my wine. "You know that's a huge compliment to you. You must be amazing in bed."

"I know I am and that's beside the point."

"Why was it not amazing for you?" I ask her and Callie looks down at the ground.

"Mark said I should try something out so I...I slept with someone."

"You slept with someone?" She nods her head.

"Mark helped me scope a guy out at the bar and...the sex was good too."

"So you're having a hard time deciding what was better?"

"They were both equally good. Sex with a man or a woman both...they both did it for me. I...I didn't get this whole new awakening as Erica did. Things didn't just suddenly become clear to me I...I'm confused."


"No." She stands up now and I know I'm going to need to talk her down. "I...this isn't how it should be. I should know what I want or who I like. I...this isn't right!"

"Maybe it is." I state to her and she looks at me like I'm insane.

"Why would you say that?"

"Callie, this isn't something unheard of. So you like men and women. There's nothing wrong with that."

"It feels like there is. I feel like I should know who I am by this point. I should...I should know who I want to be with." I stand up and reach out for her hand.

"We never fully know who we are Callie. But...the best thing is we're always learning more about ourselves every day. It's one of the best things about being human."

"You know who you are. You know who you like and..."

"I may not be in the same situation as you. But...things aren't easy for me either. I'm struggling with understanding my purpose in this world every day."

"Come on you're an amazing doctor. The attendings always rave about you and your work ethic and rare talent."

"You knew you loved Ortho from the beginning. I...I've been bouncing around from specialty to specialty and nothing has stuck."

"I thought you were pretty great at ortho."

"You're just saying that because you want us to be a team."

"Of course I do. We would make the best ortho team."

"Did I tell you that Major Owen Hunt is now the Trauma Attending?"

"Oh, I saw that. Mark and Derek hate him."

"That's what I've been told by Mer."

"So...have you and Hunt..."

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