Staying on Edge

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"I'm going to get fired." I cry over my third glass of wine to Callie. Mark and Arizona are on call tonight. Cristina is gluing herself to surgery.

"I'm going to have to move. I..."

"What? Why are you moving?" I ask Callie as I wipe my face.

"I can't ask The Chief for a job. He fired me from my old one."

"He didn't fire. He said there wasn't one." I correct her.

"Same thing. I made that whole scene in front of him. He will not take me back."

"You're the most talented ortho surgeon there is. He'll take you. Me on the other hand. I have no specialty. No one to say yes we need Benoist."

"Mark will." I hit Callie's arm.

"My boyfriend doesn't count!"

"I mean he's the best in plastics. The board would listen to him."

"Yeah, but I would feel worse about keeping the job if that's the reason why I'm not let go."

"Gen." Callie makes me look at her. "You're a badass resident. You're not going anywhere."

"You're just saying that."

"No. I mean it. People have been asking no wait begging to have you on their service. Because they know when you're on their service you give the best results."

"I need to kick ass. From here on I have to score O.R. time and make surgery my freaking bitch!"

"Cheers to that!"

"Hell yes!" I clink my glass with Callie's. "Mark is going to hate me."

"Why? He loves you."

"There will be no sex. I need to be as focused as I was in my intern year and when I wasn't in a relationship. Sex compliments things and I need all of my attention to be on surviving this merger and making a name for myself."

"Oh, yeah he's going to be pissed."

"Yeah, but he'll get over it. I'll reward him in the best way." I wink at Callie as I down my drink.

"I talked to Callie last night about the residents at Mercy West. She said they don't suck." Cristina complains to Meredith and me.

"But that doesn't mean they are great. Not sucking means they deserved to be doctors but maybe not surgeons." I try and ease Cristina's worry but it doesn't work.

"I mean you two are safe because of Mark and Derek."

"Thanks, Cristina." I shoot her a look.

"Sorry you two are great surgeons but still you have people pulling for you. Izzie's safe cause of cancer. Alex is Bailey's new favorite. You know even George would've been spared, cause he's Owen's guy. Cardio has been a revolving door around here, and no one's got my back."

"So Arizona is your cover?" Meredith asks her with a smirk on her face.

"She's merger-proof. She keeps little kids alive. No one likes a dead kid. Plus, they're under anesthesia half of the time. How bad can it be?"

"You're going to do amazing on Peds. By the way please say this exact sentence to the parents when you see them. They will love it."

"I like this side of you. It's nice." Cristina comments as she gets off on Peds.

"She's not going to make it." I state to Meredith.

"No, she won't." Meredith agrees.

"We're safe for more than who we're dating."

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