Hell is Freezing Over

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I loved writing this chapter.

"Okay, why do you have me here?" Cristina asks annoyed. "I'm missing out on Altman's CABG." Cristina complains. 

"I need you here."

"You literally have anyone else but me. There's Mark, Mer and Alex even would be better..."

"I needed someone who could keep me from being too emotional." I look to Cristina. "Mark would be too involved and question everything the doctor would have to say. Alex would be ready to fight anyone that makes me cry and...I needed you instead of Mer. I needed you because you've lost a baby as I have. You'll be the rock I need when I want to crumble."

"Fine, I'll be here for you." Cristina takes my hand and squeezes it. A knock is heard on the door.

"Here goes nothing." I take a deep breath.

"You're going to be fine. It's all going to be fine." Cristina assures me. I smile at her.

"Genevieve Benoist."

"That's me." I greet the doctor.

"I'm Dr. Norris and I have your results."

"I'm ready to hear them."

"Yeah, she's ready." Cristina assures Dr. Norris.

"Let's begin shall we?"

"When did the bleeding start?" I ask Mrs. Jacobson as Lexie tends to the child's nosebleed. Lexie is on Derek's service this week while I'm with Arizona's.

"This morning. He's had these before. I've just...I've never seen a nosebleed go on like this." She explains to me.

"There's blood on Timmy, mom."

"Mr. and Mrs. Jacobson, can I see you?"

"Go ahead he'll be fine." I join Derek and Arizona. as we get ready to explain Nicholas' condition to the Jacobson's.

"Nicholas has what is called an arteriovenous malformation." Derek informs them.

"It's a cluster of tangled blood vessels in his brain. It's what's causing the bleeding." Arizona explains to them.

"In order to stop the bleeding, we need to remove it." I state to them and the worry immediately appears on their faces.

"You...you mean like brain surgery for..."

"I'll do everything I can to protect the brain tissue and minimize damage." Derek assures them.

"I'm sorry. I know it's scary. But we have to go in right away."

Derek is getting the O.R. ready while Lexie and I get the test results for Nicholas. I'm still shaken up after losing Wallace being on peds again has me on edge.

"Hey, I could use your help." Mark stops me as I walk through the E.R.

"Sorry, I'm on Robbins' service." I reply back to him with a smile.

"She's lucky to have you. I've missed you on my service. We had a great thing going." Callie pouts at me.

"So no on the help?" Mark asks again but it's hard to hear him as his patient keeps screaming as he removes his burned flesh.

"It's a no. I do have something to talk..."

"Dr. Sloan?" A young girl appears next to Mark and me.

"Yeah?" Mark jumps a little seeing her.

"Hi. Um, so this is a little weird, but um...my name is Sloan Riley. My mom is Samantha Riley and um...I'm pretty sure you're my dad." I drop my coffee mug hearing it shattering to the ground. Mark looks at me wide-eyed and I look like I want to punch someone. He moves slightly away feeling like I might want to punch him.

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