Mother Dearest

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"I'm not a bad resident am I?" Cristina asks Meredith.

"Don't ask me. I lost a patient today."

"Oh, you killed someone?"

"Lost. Literally can't find."

"Oh. Shepherd says I'm selfish and competitive. What the hell is wrong with that? I kick ass. I'm an excellent resident."

"I'm not. In addition to losing my patient, I also lost my intern. Turned around and he was gone. AWOL."

"See, what is wrong with these..."

"Uh...excuse me guys." I stop Meredith and Cristina from talking and they look at me now. "This is my mother Eleanor Deveraux." I introduce and I can already hear all of the comments Cristina will make.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Cristina. Meredith, it's wonderful to see you again." My mom shakes each of their hands. "I hope it's not too much but I'm only in town for a short while but I would love to have a dinner for you all."

"You want to have a dinner for us?" Cristina asks.

"Any friend of my Genevieve is a friend of our family. I know you all have a busy schedule but do not worry there will be plenty of food and booze for everyone when you get off."

"Mom..." My mom holds up her hand.

"Please Genevieve do not interrupt. It's quite rude." I nod my head and I feel like I'm a child and not a 28-year-old woman.

"You guys seen Callie?" Izzie rushes into the seat out of breath.

"No. Ooh! Is it time for her to grind your bones into dust?"

"You don't think I can take her?"

"Are you guys really doing this?"

"You heard?"

"The whole hospital heard."

"Yeah, well, that explains the line at the salad bar."

"What are you fighting about?" I ask joining in and I can feel my mother judging me.

"Did you hear some hot chick threw water in Sloan's face?" Alex now joins us and I lower my head. Alex feels Meredith glaring at him. "What?"

"Hello." My mom steps forward and Alex doesn't help but check her out. "I'm the "hot chick" as you so well put it. That threw water in Mark Sloan's face."

"Hot." Alex states and I hit his shoulder. "What?"

"Alex and Izzie. Please meet my mother Eleanor Deveraux. She will have dinner ready for us once our shift is over and yes there will be booze." I explain and everyone's eyes are on my mother. I've gotten used to it always growing up and people mostly males fawning over her. But now as a surgeon, it makes it even harder.

"I do not want to interrupt your work more than I already have darling. I will see you later." My mom walks off. I hit Alex's shoulder as he checks my mom's ass out.


"Stop staring!"

"That's your mother?" Cristina asks me in more of a yell.

"I would so seek out therapy from her." Alex states and I shake my head.

"You're gross."

"Hey, now we know why you came out so hot. Look at what you came from. Genes are a magical thing."

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