Wedding Prep

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Thank you for the support. Here's another update.

Against Cristina's wishes, her mother and Burke's mother are now in town ready for wedding planning. This means Cristina has to pick her bridesmaids and we are now forced into dress fittings. "I switched my hours at the clinic so I can go to the bridal shop. Yay!" Izzie is the only one who is excited about this upcoming torture.

"Did she cheer? She just cheered." Cristina states to Meredith and me.

"Someone's not being very bride-y."

"I am not a bride. I am a surgeon." Cristina corrects Izzie and I continue charting trying to endure the day to come.

"Don't tease the aged animal."

"You're not excited? I'm excited. I love weddings."

"Of course you love weddings."

"And you don't?" Aren't some of your siblings married?"

"Enough for me to say I hate weddings." I state and Cristina high fives me.

"Weddings are all about hope and the future..."

"Prenups, infidelity, and many more."

"You're horrible." Izzie snaps at me but still has the biggest smile on her face.

"Okay." We turn and Callie is behind us with a pissed expression. "I rescheduled an A.C.L. repair, but I wanna be clear. I will not be wearing pink or baby blue. I do not do flowers in my hair. And I will never be seen with a bow on my ass, okay?" Callie declares to us and I nod my head in appreciation.

"See? She's got the right attitude." Meredith leaves to speak with her father.

"Thank you very much."

"I'm still scheduled to scrub in on the A.C.L. right?"

"Hell yes. I need to test your ortho skills. You're going to learn how to break bones." Callie says with pride.

"Callie's a bridesmaid?" Izzie blatantly asks like it's not insensitive at all.

"Yeah." Callie is annoyed. Cristina and I look at Izzie like she's insane. Callie literally breaks bone for a living what is she thinking.

"Yeah, Ca...yes, of course. Callie's a bridesmaid." Izzie awkwardly laughs. "Fun."


"Oh, god." I groan looking at our options so far for bridesmaid dresses.

"Uh, Cristina?" Burke calls out and Cristina goes to him a hideous dress with puffy sleeves. We lean in trying to hear their conversation. And to be honest their not whispering.

"Freakin' stupid cotton-candy colored bridesmaids? No offense." Cristina insults us. We stare at her and then go back complaining about the dresses.

"I am not wearing this." Callie exclaims.

"Oh, I gotta get to the hospital." Meredith exclaims looking at her pager.

"You know, we should uh, give 'em some privacy."

"What?" Izzie states a little aggressively toward Callie. "Oh! Oh, you want us to go over there with you...not by myself."


"Okay." Callie leads us and I look at Izzie.

"You could work on being a little nicer to her."

"This is me being nice I..."

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