Chpater 2

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Haizly's Pov
All I Want

I walked down the quiet and dark street alley, hoping for a car to run me over any minute. But of course nothing happens.

"Fuck this piece of shit." I said and threw the empty bottle of wine. I stumbled on my feet but regained my balance.

"Hey you Okay?" A males voice appears out of nowhere. I looked up and saw the most beautiful hazel brown eyes. That's until I passed the fuck out.

The next morning I wake up with a pounding head. "Fuck why did I drink so much!" I groan and rub my head with my hands.

"You tell me." A voice says snapping me to turn my head. A nice young looking guy is on the couch with his sketch book and a pencil in his mouth. Fuck he's gorgeous.

"Uh, how-how did I get here?" I asked moving my hands in the air. He chuckles and puts his sketch book before sitting on the bed.

"I took you here." I plop back down on the pillow and pull the covers up. I don't give a shit if I'm in a strangers home. My head is pounding and I'm tired.

I haven't drank like this since two months ago. I was with Tristan and his friends, we were drinking and the next day wasn't so great. I got home and got yelled by my mom and step dad. I did not give two shits.

My sister was giving me a lecture on why not to drink so much. I wasn't really paying attention, all I was thinking of was how the hell psycho-heads turned milk into butter the whole time tori and beck were performing something. I'm crazy I know.

Wait my mom! I get up from the bed and look at the cute stranger smirking at me.

"Uh, where's my phone?" I asked and searched the room. He points to the table next to the bed and I grab it, turning it on.

Twenty missed calls from my mom, twelve from my sister, four from my step dad, and three from my aunt.

I'll make sure to call them later. Right now I need Ibuprofen. It's like he read my mind because he pointed to the dresser next to me. There were the pills and a glass of water. I down it all and nearly choked with the pill. I hate pills!

"What's your name?" I finally ask as I put on my shoes.

"Kayden. Kayden Castillo." His smile is breathtaking. He's so handsome! What the hell am I doing? I shouldn't even be here.

"Oh, well I'm Haizly. I need to get going." He gets up from the chair and he stands in front of me.

"Could I at least have your phone number?" He asks. I flush and look down at my feet. Gosh this boy is so handsome. His cute hazel brown eyes sparkling. I'm never like this. Boys talking to me and me blushing. I usually just fuck them and leave them after. But him. Except I didn't fuck him. I think.

"Sure, I guess." He hands me his phone from the dresser and I put in my number.

"By the way, the shirt is mine." My eyes widened and looked down at the shirt. It feels so good. It falls down to my thighs and it smells so good. I'm acting really creepy, in my head.

"W-why am I in it?" I stutter, looking in his eyes. He roams my body then looks back at my eyes.

"You puked on yours." I scrunch up my nose at the thought of him seeing me puke. He chuckles. His smile is so adorable. I wanna pinch his cheek. I am so weird today. Well I did drink and puke and now I'm standing in front of a very handsome guy.

"I should go." I say pulling his T-shirt down to cover myself, but it won't work.

"Would you like me to take you?" He asks pointing to the door with his thumb.

"So you can stalk me?" The words came out of my mouth before my mind could process. I slap my hand on my mouth. "I did not mean that, I..."

He chuckles, "it's okay." My cheeks flush. "Would you...?" He asks again and I nod. He leads me to the door and we get out going to his car. I open the door and climb into the passenger side.

Maybe I should've changed. I'm not wearing anything but his T-shirt, which feels better than my own shirts, and it smells like him.

"So tell me about yourself Haiz." I blush, yet again, and turn towards him. The way that nickname came out of his mouth. It gave me chills.

"There's nothing to say." I shrug looking out the window. He looks over at me and frowns.

"I bet there's something's you could tell me." I shake my head.

"Nothing." There really isn't much to say. Other than my messed up life that he doesn't and will not know. I can just lie. Simple as that.

"Well, where are you from?" He asks glancing at me. I bite the inside of my cheek and smile.

"Colorado." He nods.

"Really? Ive heard it's a nice place to live in." I shrugged.

"It's okay." I stick out my bottom lip shrugging. "Boulder was my favorite city, but I got stuck with Longmont." I make a sour face and he chuckles.

"Do you like it here?" He asks. I haven't changed a bit. We moved here so I can get a clear head and act like how I used to be. But nothing changed. I kept getting worse and worse every time. My parents were thinking about just putting me in a military school.

"Yeah. It's nice," I give him directions to get to my house. Once we pulled up to my driveway, I looked at him and smiled, actually smiled.

"Thanks. Um, I'll call you later?" I asked and he nodded.

"Of course. It was nice meeting you, even if you were drunk and puking the whole night." I blush and shook my head.

"Ugh don't remind me, that was horrible." He laughs. "Well bye," I smile and get out his car and getting in my house.

I ran downstairs to my room and crashed out again.

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