Chapter 26

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After school I went to MECS and signed in, they showed me my office and I got to meet Celali.

"Okay but first, don't wear ripped jeans or leather jackets to a job like this." Marisa said looking at my clothes. "You need skirts, heels, shirts," She looks up at me. "Let's go shopping!" She squeals. I agreed.

I need new clothes and the close I have at home don't work for this type of thing. Even though that's not my type of clothes, I need a job to raise money for NYU.

We went to the mall and shopped at every store that was super girly. I can be girly but not always. After three hours of being in that mall, we finally got out of there and we're now at Wendy's.

"So how long have you and Caleb been dating?" I sighed and smiled.

"For about six days." She smiles. She seems so happy, and it feels like we're getting used to each other already.

"That's great."

"What about you? How long have you been dating Liam?" I asked. The barista put our trays down on the table and we thanked her. I stuffed a frie in my mouth and groaned, so delicious.

"For two years. He's my fiancé now, he asked me to be his wife two months ago." I gasp and swallow my frie.

"Congrats." I hugged her.

"Thanks, We're not doing the wedding till spring though." I nod. Marisa has blonde wavy hair, light skin, loves clear lipgloss, and is shorter than me. But since she's wearing heels, she's taller.

For an hour we were there talking about her plans for the wedding. I'm invited! I'm not a big fan of weddings but this ones gonna be good. I know so.

I opened the door for the apartment and entered, taking off my shoes and going in the kitchen. There was a random girl sitting on the stool, eating cereal. My cereal! She's eating my food!

"Who are you?" I asked going over to her. She looks up at me and gives me the fakest smile.

"I'm Crystal, Calebs cousin." I nod. She gave me the skankiest smile and eyebrow raise, I just wanna punch her. She looks like a twelve year old.

If only I could punch the bitch. Caleb interrupts me by kissing my cheek and resting his hand on my waist.

"This is Crystal, Crystal, Haizly." We nodded to each other. "Crystal is gonna be staying here for a little while she figures out where she's gonna live." I looked up at him confused.

"Where is she going to stay?" I asked.

"Your room, you can stay with me." He parted from me to grab cereal. I looked at the cereal Crystal is eating. Those are my Frosted Flakes! Who does she think she is?

"Okay, I'm going to get my clothes." I'm gonna fill up his closet with my shit. I don't trust that girl near my things. I go into my closet and grab my clothes. I went to my desk and grabbed my papers, my book bag, well just my stuff. I grabbed everything and went to Calebs room.

I organized everything and went back out to the kitchen to see Caleb and Crystal eating their cereals in silence.

"How long do you plan on staying?" I asked smirking. She tilts her head and raises an eyebrow. She looks familiar when she does that.

"Not long." She shoves another spoonful of my cereal in her mouth. I frown and go back in Calebs bedroom. I sit on the edge of his bed and staring out the window to see the City.

Tell me it's just me! I read Kayden's message. He sent me a video where he thinks his apartment is haunted. He left a recording camera in his living room, and something dropped.

That did scare me, but what I saw made me laugh.

Kayden are you serious? There's a cat in your apartment!

What where?

It's by your plants on the window!!

Oh I see it! How the hell did it get in my apartment though?

I don't know, check for holes or maybe you just keep your windows opened.

Hm, let me go check on them. I laughed hard that my stomach hurt. He thought his house was haunted when it was just a fucking cat.

I'm gonna be teasing him about this for a while. Caleb comes back inside with a mug and a plate with cookies.

"Why are you laughing?" He asks setting them on the desk table.

"Nothing." I smile. "I got new clothes, Marisa made me go shopping because these clothes aren't the type for assistant." I look down at my jeans.

"Eh, what did you get?" He asks scratching the back of his neck. I go over to his closet and grab a bag from Forever 21.

I pulled out a black pencil skirt, a white button up shirt with black pump heels.

"Ugh I'm acting girly." I scrunch up my nose.

"Um, Crystal wants to go to the store to get food. She's complaining that you don't go grocery shopping so  she wants to go." I take a deep breath in and let it out. It's like Crystal wants drama with the badass.

"Okay, she doesn't know me well. And I'm always doing homework, I'm at school, and if it's not that then I'm sleeping." I chuckle at the last part. He looks angry, really angry.

"Okay maybe instead of that why don't you go grocery shopping?" He says a little louder. I'm shook, he's yelling at me. This is the first time he's ever yelled at me. What is wrong with him?

"Caleb are you even hearing yourself? Why don't you do it?" He grabs a fistful of his hair and paces around the room. All this for grocery shopping? And it's Crystals fault.

"Crystal caused all of this! She caused you to fight with me!" I yell angrily. Caleb looks at me and rushes over to me.

"She didn't cause anything! She was just saying that you don't go grocery shopping! The only thing you spend your money on is clothes that aren't worth it! You could've worked at McDonald's or something!" He's in my face and I'm irritated and upset.

"Fine! You and her can go grocery shopping! I'm leaving." I run over to my old bedroom and grab both suitcases.

"Where are you going?" Caleb yells walking in the room looking furious as hell.

"Where else?" I retort. I run back in his bedroom and grab the clothes I just bought and shoes. Caleb grabs my arm to stop me but I pull away.

"Caleb get away from me!" I yell. He doesn't stop. I tried walking backwards but he walked with me, my fists in his hands. I tripped and the last thing I saw was a furious Caleb, then everything went black.

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