Chapter 40

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I hugged Caleb and kissed his neck. He kisses my hand and sits me down on his lap.

"Don't leave me, please." He begs. I shush him and rub the back of his head with my hand.

"I won't leave you." I kiss his neck.

I woke up and looked around, Caleb isn't on the bed, it's dark outside, and the light is on. It's really bright. I checked my phone and the time read 10:41 pm.

I groan and get out of the bed and walk down the stairs. I see Caleb and his men in the living room talking loudly. There's whisky on the glass table and the tv is on.

I catch Calebs attention and he walks over to me.

"Did you sleep good?" He asks chuckling. I smile and nod.

"I wish you were there when I woke up though." He kisses my lips and brings his hands to my waist.

"You taste like alcohol." I scrunch up my nose and pull him away.

"You love alcohol." I got offended. I mean yes I, But hearing it from him? That hurt.

I walked in the kitchen and got a bowl of Frosted Flakes. I sat down on the counter and started eating it, when Caleb came in and served himself.

"Why were you guys even doing business at a mall?" I questioned and shoved a spoonful of cereal in my mouth. Caleb clears his throat and leans on his elbows on the counter.

"I like the attention." I laugh.

"Of course." I look outside and continue eating my cereal. It looks like a nice night to be outside in the pool, it's not chilly outside, it's actually quite warm.

"Can we go to the pool outside?" I asked looking at him. He looks at me through his lashes and nods.

"Go get ready." I smirk and get off the counter, and walk over to him. I trace my fingers on his chest and his hips.

"Or maybe, we can go skinny dipping?" I raise an eyebrow and lick my lips.

"I like that idea." We go outside and and take off our clothes and jumping in the water. It's warm out but the water is cold as hell.

Caleb walked to me and grabbed my hips. He pushed himself in me and pushed me on the wall. My hands grip his shoulders as he goes fast.

"I didn't think we were gonna have sex." I moan. My head falls on his shoulder as he kept going faster.

"Caleb!" I moan. He went in circles, up and down, in and out of me, until I had my orgasm.

He came but still went fast. My legs feel weak. Since were in the pool I feel lighter.

"I came in you." Caleb says gasping. I chuckle and pull my arms around his neck.

"That's what you're supposed to do." He creases his brows and sadness takes over.

"You didn't have a condom?" I pull away from him angrily.

"I forgot, I was so in the moment. I'm sorry." I clear my throat and nod.

I can figure this out. Right? A baby can't ruin anything, of course it can't, it's a blessing.

I'm going to college in two months and Caleb had to cum in me! I snarled at him and walked out the pool and went inside the house. Hannah was in her room, and the guys are no where to be found. So I walked up to the bedroom and took a quick shower.

I changed in black high waisted shorts, black socks, and Calebs blue hoodie. I don't have a bra on because those shits are uncomfortable.

I brushed my hair and Caleb walked in, looking sad. I sigh and continued to brush my hair.

"I'm sorry." He whispers. I turn around to face him.

"Caleb, why didn't you think? We can't have a baby now! We're nineteen." I place around the room ranting to him about how he could've thought of putting on a condom.

"Haizly, calm down." He says standing up and getting in my face.

"How am I going to calm down Caleb? I don't want a baby! I have college. My career. I wanna get married then have children. Oh my god!" I plop down on the bed with my arms crossed pouting like a child.

After a while of silence and heavy breathing, Caleb crouches down in front of me.

"I'll be with you, I'll pay for everything. I will keep you guys safe." He hugs me. Tears spill out of my eyes and I caress his hair.

"Caleb, I'm tired. I don't want to talk about this." He nods. I lie down on the bed and bring the sheets up to my face. Caleb lies down next to me, kissing my cheek before turning off the lights and turning the other way.

A part of me wanted him to wrap me in his arms, hold me tight like if he were going to lose me. Even if I'm mad at him for coming in me, I don't think I'll ever leave him because of that. I can't stay mad at him for days, hours even.

The longest we've been mad at each other was junior year when he convinced me to run out the restaurant without paying. The cops got there and arrested me because Caleb had escaped them.

They asked me who he was and I of course said he was a fuck buddy and that he didn't have a fault.

A week later Caleb came up to me in lunch and asked me to forgive him, I said he has to buy me lunch everyday. He accepted and we became best friends again.

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