Chapter 32

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"Wait, you and Caleb are back together?" Marisa asked creasing her brows together and making a confused expression on her face. I nodded and she smiled.

"He's also taking me to Canada tomorrow," her mouth gapes opened and her eyes go wide.

"You lucky girl." She swats my arm playfully and chuckles. "I bet there's gonna be a lot of romance there." She winks and my cheeks flush.

"No, no sex allowed." Not after the pregnancy scare I had not too long ago. I still feel a little nauseous but that's normal to me, when I was little I would always get sick like this.

"Are you coming to work tomorrow?" She asks tucking a hair behind her ear.

"No, we're leaving early . His sister is also coming so that she could keep me company." We both smiled. I can't wait till I'm over there. I've always wanted to go, but my mom chose New York out of all the places. When I asked her if we could move here, she said that she wouldn't move there because of the weather.

And now we're living here.

"Well that's good, Liam and I are gonna go visit his mother for the weekend in New York, New York, we're gonna stay there for a little."

"Why not just go back home, it's a thirty minute drive?" I asked while sipping my coffee.

She sighs, "Because Liam wants us to stay there with his mother, as much as I don't want to, I have to respect that. I don't want another fight with him because of his mother." She scoffs and I chuckle.

"Same, Calebs cousin came last time and split us up." I rolled my eyes and I took another sip of my coffee.

"That girl can suck a butt." Marisa said before standing up and putting her mug in the sink. I chuckle and do the same and we go back to work.

I moved in back with Caleb last night, I went over to my mothers and got my stuff. She was mad and telling me that I'm making a mistake and I shouldn't be moving out.

But I said I'll visit her often and I'll be more nicer and we could spend some time together.

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