Chapter 30

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Caleb grabs my hand and walks me out of the school before I could puke in front of everyone. I rested my hands on his car as I breathe in and out.

"Haiz?" I turn to face him. "Do you think... you could be pregnant?" He asks slowly. I shake my head. I can't be pregnant. If I am what am I going to do? What will my mom say? Will Caleb stay with me? Oh my god how could I let this happen?

"C-Caleb." I sob. He runs over to me and hugs me, his hand caressing my hair. I wrap my arms around his waist as I sob onto his white t-shirt.

"Wanna go get a test?" He asks softly into my hair. I nod slowly and we parted.

Caleb took my to the drug store it buy a pregnancy test, then took me to get fudge cookies from King soopers.

"Are you sure you don't want me to be with you?" He asks. I sigh and and get out of his car.

"Caleb, I'll tell you as soon as I know." He nods.

"Haiz?" I stop in my tracks and turn around to face him. "I love you, and whatever that test tells us, I'll still be with you." I nod and walk inside the house. My eyes are filled with tears and my heart is racing, my breathing is heavy and I feel like I'm going to break.

I couldn't possibly be pregnant. Could I? Caleb used protection all the time and I don't think none of them broke. Or I don't know, maybe one did and we just didn't know.

I went to the bathroom downstairs and followed the instructions and peed on the stick. I put a five-minute-timer on and waited. I walked in my bedroom with the stick and put it on the desk.

I sat down on my bed and fiddled with my fingers. Five minutes later the timer went off and I stopped it, grabbing the stick and sighing.

"I'm not pregnant." I put my hand over my mouth to stop the sobs. I cleared my throat and grabbed my phone.

I'm not pregnant...


Oh? We should be happy!

Could I go over? I really need to talk to you.

I guess.

I replied and then went upstairs. I grabbed the cookies and waited to Caleb to come. Six minutes later he's knocking knocking on door.

"So you're not pregnant?" He asks. I shake my head slowly and lean my head on his shoulder. I'm so tired, they changed the time and I woke up later than usual. Or that's what it felt like.

"Would you want to have a baby?" I asked. His arm wrapped around my shoulders and kissed my forehead.

"In a way, yes. Because you and I could stick together. But no because we're still so young." He's right. About all of it. I still want to be with him.

"Haizly, please forgive me for the actions I did. Crystal isn't at the apartment anymore and I feel lonely without you. Plus, I watched this scary movie and I'm creeped the fuck out." I giggle. I look up to meet his eyes.

"I'll stay there tonight." He nods and kisses my forehead again.

The entire day we spent watching tv and eating the cookies He bought. Until I had to go to work. I put on a black skater skirt, a white button up shirt, black pumps, put my hair in half up half down and applied some makeup.

"Hey Haizly." Marisa said once I've reached the 33rd floor.

"Hey." I smiled and went to her desk.

"Celali left some papers in your office for you to work on, she said they were easy and an easy start." I nodded and looked to my right to the big hallway and then looked back at Marisa.

"Thanks, call me if you need anything." She nods. I walk straight to my office and close the door behind me, noticing the stack of papers on the desk. I sit down in my chair and get working.

I'm halfway through the stack of papers when my desk phone rang.

"Hello?" Its not professional and I'm gonna work on it, but I know it's Marisa.

"There's a guy asking for you. Should I send him in?" I sigh and lean back in my chair.

"Does he have tattoos?"


"Send him in." I hung up the phone and waited for Caleb to come in. Then he came in with a grin and a bag of chicken nuggets.

"Hello." He said sitting down in front of me on the two chairs. I smile and grab the bag and opening it. I grabbed a nugget and started eating one.

"When's your lunch break?" He asks creasing his brows. I checked the time on my phone then looked back at Caleb.

"In thirty minutes." He looks around my new office but keeps his head on one side of the room. I didn't bother on looking at what he was looking, I was eating the nuggets peacefully.

"Isn't it creepy being here alone?" He asks shifting in his seat. I look at him through my lashes and tilt my head.

"A little." The sun was setting and the view outside looked so beautiful. The lights are on and the busy street outside is keeping me awake, even though I'm on the 33rd floor I can still hear the honks.

There was a knock on the door and I told them to come in. Lucy came in with a smile and stacks of papers on her arm.

"Celali told me to give you these." She smiles down at me. She looks at Caleb and smiles too. He glared at her while he was trying to figure her out.

"Thanks." She nodded and walked out of my office, leaving me and Caleb alone.

"Is she gay?" Caleb suddenly asks, making me look at him surprised.

"I don't think so." He clears his throat and walks around my desk and sits in front of me.

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