Chapter 35

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"Haiz wake up." Caleb shook me. "Haizly we have to get ready." I groan and stirred, peeking my eyes open and looking at him.

I sigh and get up, rubbing my eyes. I looked around the room and see our suitcases by the door on the right.

I get out of bed and change into black shorts, a grey crop top-tank top, my back vans, and pulled my hair in a ponytail.

I ain't got no time for makeup. Plus, it's two am and I'm tired as fuck and he had to pick the earliest flight ever! I'm gonna get the fucker.

I heard the door open and heals clicking. I go in the living room and see Hannah on her phone.

I clear my throat. "Hey Haizly." She rubs over to me and hugs me. I looked at her outfit.

"Aren't you tired? It feels like I'm wearing your heels." I scrunch up my nose and go in the kitchen to get a glass of water.

"No, I went to sleep at six then got up at one to get ready." She put on the biggest smile.

I look at her outfit again. Pink loose shorts, a white tank top tucked in her shorts, pink with thick wedges heels, and her brown hair is curled and she has makeup on.

The girl is sixteen years old! But I'm taller than her with the heels, so ha! I always make people feel bad when I say I'm taller than them, but I don't feel like saying anything because first; she gets really butt hurt and will not talk to me for hours, days even! Second; she's my sister in-law.

I don't wanna make her feel bad and especially because we're going to Canada and she's my company there.

We finally got to the airport, but no one is here, surprisingly. Caleb put his hand on my waist while a guy grabbed our luggage's in a carrier. Hannah is on her phone texting really fast.

We got outside and I was amazed. The plane has Scott on the side of the plane. It's really big, I've never rode in one of these.

I'm confused though, why the hell does that say Scott.

"Welcome to my Scotty Plane." Caleb says indicating with his hand to the plane. A guy opened the door and we entered.

"Caleb? How d-," He puts his finger on my lips to shush me.

"It's just business." Now I'm thinking that it's not 'just business.' I raise an eyebrow and drop it, I don't feel like arguing. I'll argue with him when when we get back home.

"Come here." Caleb says. I scoff and go over to him. Hannah is in the seat next to us on her phone with I assume apple juice? It better be, or ima be mad that she didn't invite me for that.

I sat down on the seat next to Calebs but he stopped me and sat me on his lap. Can't there be one day when he's not horny?

I crossed my arms and rested my head on his shoulder. "Caleb, I'm tired. You woke me up and you know how I get."

"Well either wake you up, or leave you here."

"You got a point." He chuckles.

"Do you guys think Eric will like me? I have this whole collection of cute clothing for him to see me in it." Hannah asks smiling. Caleb shifts in his seat.

"You and Eric will not set feet in the same room." Caleb says coldly.

"Who's Eric?" I asked, creasing my brows together in confusion. Caleb sighs and leans his head on the seat.

"A guy that I work with." I nod. "Hannah, go sit in the front." Hannah scoffs and does as told. I looked at Caleb.

There's something he's hiding from me. How the hell does he have this big plane? Shipping? People in Canada?

Could he be a drug dealer? Oh no, please no! I hate drug dealers! They remind me of Chapo. I got the chills just thinking of that.

But why wouldn't Caleb tell me? He could tell me anything. We're dating for gods sake!

While I was ranting to myself, I didn't realize that Caleb was staring at me.

"What are you thinking of?" He asks huskily. I let out a small gasp and looked at his eyes.

"N-nothing." I whisper and try to get off of him.

"Nothing?" He chuckles.

"Sir, we are taking off now. Buckle up." The pilot says coming in the room. Caleb nods and the pilot leaves, Caleb looks at me.

"Buckle up." He nods to the seat next to him. I do as told and buckle up on the seat next to his.

The plane started moving and I gripped onto the seat. This feels so weird! My stomach is churning and I feel like I'm going to pass out.

"It's okay, the pilot knows what he's doing." Caleb grabs my hand. I breathe in and out. I hate this feeling so much!

I looked out the window and saw the water in view, maybe I shouldn't be looking outside.

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