Chapter 37

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"Haizly." I felt Caleb tap on my shoulder. "Haizly we up, we're here." I groan and stir.

"Caleb, hold me then!" I whine. His arms go around my waist and pulls me up. I didn't think he would actually do it!

"Caleb!" I shriek. He chuckles and walks down the stairs. The air feels so good, I'm surprised. Caleb puts me down on my feet and I fix my clothes.

"Hello Caleb." A man said with a smirk while Caleb scoffs and rolls his eyes.

"What do you want?" The man puts his hands up in surrender and chuckles.

"Just to see how my cousin has been doing." The man puts Caleb in a headlock and rubs his hair. Hannah walks out of the plane and looks at the two boys.

"You guys are so childish." She rolls her eyes.

"It's him not me!" Caleb says trying to fix his hair. The guy goes over to Hannah and hugs her.

"How've you been?" Caleb asks Hannah.

"Motherfucker." Caleb grits his teeth. I chuckle and put my arms around his waist and kiss his lips.

"Who is he?" I asked.

"That's my dumbass cousin, Ryland." I let out a breath and lean my cheek on his chest. We got so perfectly together.

"And you must be?" Ryland says coming over to me with a huge grin. "Haizly Vasquez, Calebs girlfriend." I nodded.

"Pleased to meet you." He grabs my hand and kisses it. Caleb get in front of us and pushes him back.

"Stop flirting with my girl." Butterflies erupted in my stomach. The way he called me his girl. Ah I love this!

"Okay, okay." Ryland chuckles. "Let's go."

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