chapter 88

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Caleb and I hug Michelle and Karmen before they left for their honeymoon. Kayden said bye to me then left with Sasha. Caleb and I walked over to his car and got in, quickly buckled up and exited the parking lot.

The car ride was silent. The only thing making noise was the radio. Of course The Fray would be playing.

When we got home I went in my bedroom to change in some sweats and a crop top. I pulled my hair in a ponytail and walked out the room to see Caleb on the on the couch. . . with a glass of wine.

"Where'd you get that?" I ask standing in front of him and crossing my arms over my chest.

"I got it when you weren't looking. You were too busy talking to Kayden to even notice I brought two bottles with me." I sit down next to him.

"Are you mad?" He takes a while to reply.

"No. Maybe just that you reminded me about Kayden fucking you." I roll my eyes. I knew I shouldn't have brought it up. He isn't going to drop this. He's stubborn and will have an argument for everything.

"Caleb, that was a long time ago. It didn't mean anything." He shrugs and takes a sip of the wine. Well chugs actually. "Don't drink more," I try taking the cup away but he quickly pushes me back.

I will admit, that hurt my feelings. I'm just trying to help him out. I'm trying to tell him that whatever happened between me and Kayden wasn't anything. It didn't mean anything. I mean I am engaged to him and we'll be getting married in a couple years. Why does he need to be angry about this?

I rise to my feet. "Fine. Don't listen to me, I'm going to bed." He tries grabbing my hand but I quickly pull away. "Don't touch me."

"Baby I'm sorry."

"No, don't you 'baby' me!" I yell. "I'm telling you that Kayden and I are just friends. And that you should just stop drinking that. But no, you decide to push me." I start walking in the direction of the room again but I hear his footsteps.

"Haizly!" He yells even louder. I flinch and run to the room. I close the door and lock it. "Haizly open this damn door!" He bangs on the door and it looks like it might break. I sit down on the bed and stare at the floor.

His screams hadn't stopped. Why does everyone make my life so difficult? If I want to be friends with Kayden then I can. Sasha is stupid if she ever thought about making me stay away from him. And I'm sure she's going to tell Kayden to get away from me.

If Kayden does get away from me, then I guess he's stupid too. But I doubt it. Kayden is too nice. And since he's too nice, he'll pick both of us. Or none of us. I don't know, I guess we're all stupid.

I mean Caleb and I are only eighteen and engaged and already living together. I slept with Kayden months ago because I thought I was really going to be with him. But later find out I was going to be engaged to his half brother.

I mean this is just too much. I don't even talk to my mom or my sister. I can't go to them for advice, they hate me.

Everyone in this fucking world hates me.

How was I supposed to know Caleb grabbed two bottles of wine? Kayden and I were just talking about his birthday coming up. He wanted to make it small but I wanted a big party with alcohol and maybe strippers. Actually no, no strippers. I'm a good friend, he has a girlfriend.

I just don't know what I do to make the world so angry with me.

Snapping back to reality, I hadn't realized Caleb stopped banging on the door. It's very quiet. Too quiet. I stand and walk to the door and unlock it slowly.

I walk in the living room but Caleb wasn't in there. I check the kitchen and he wasn't there. Where did he go?

I check outside the window to see if his car was there but it wasn't. Great, another fight. I wonder if this is how it's going to be when we're married. Us always arguing for stupid reasons.

Like I said before, maybe we shouldn't get married. Only if we keep fighting. And sometimes we tend to fight a lot.

Sighing, I go back in my room and turn off the lights. I messaged him and asked where he was before falling asleep.

When I woke up, the bed beside me was empty. Like I had imagined it to be. I get up and go to the kitchen to look for Caleb, and there he was. Sitting down on the chair with a mug in front of him.

"Where were you last night?" I ask as I round the table to face him. I cross my arms over my chest. It's really cold in here. It's supposed to be summer, where is the heat? I mean, I love the winter more than summer but its summer.

"I slept at my apartment. You weren't going to open the door." He shrugs.

I roam his face. Bags were under his eyes, he looks sleepy.

"Haizly, I'm sorry." I shake my head.

"Sorry? Caleb, I just don't understand why you were mad about that."

"Obviously I will get mad about that! He is my half-brother and your my girlfriend!" He rises to his feet and throws his hands in the air.

"At that time you and I were just fuck buddies!" He glares down at me. "You knew I had some type of crush on Kayden, you encouraged me to get with him."

"Well then I was stupid." He shrugs. I run a hand through my face then hair. I don't feel like talking anymore. I start walking to the bathroom to shower. When I look in the mirror I saw the makeup smudged under my eyes.

I forgot to take it off last night. Of course.

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