chapter 87

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I wrap my arms around his neck and he puts his on my waist.

"Last week when I went to the store, I passed by this big house. I can hire someone to build the gate around it and we can have maids and-," I cut him off.

"I'd like to see it." His eyes widened in shock. Thinking I wouldn't want to see the house this fast when he just told me. "But we're not moving in now." He nods.

"I know, baby." I look in his eyes deeply. I know he really wants to move into that house so we can start our own lives. Then later get married, but I feel like when we get married things will change.

We're going to be more responsible. He's going to deal more with the mafia and I'm going to deal with my career. And he wants kids, I don't. This is just something to talk about in the future, not now.

"The owner said I can come by sometime tomorrow?" I nod.

"Perhaps two? There really isn't much to do tomorrow either way." I shrug and he nods.

"I'll call tonight," he leans down and presses his lips on mine. I pull away, huge grins on our faces.

"Can I dance with Haizly?" I heard Kayden ask. I turn around and see a small smile on his face.

"No," Caleb says and I scoff.

"Don't be jealous Caleb." Me and Kayden giggle.

"You two are like children." Caleb says and we giggle again.

"I would like to dance with my son." Karmen says with a big smile. Caleb turns and grabs her hand.

"Well you can have the dance, Haizly is leaving me to dance with Kayden." I giggle and kiss his cheek.

"Don't be such a baby." I walk over to Kayden and take his hand. My hand rests on his shoulder while the other holds his hand.

"Caleb told me he found a house, he says your going to love it." I chuckle with squinted eyes.

"Oh Caleb." Kayden laughs. "You two have gotten a lot closer these past couple of months."

"Yeah well we kinda have to. Our mum's are married." He shrugs and purses his lips. "Anyways, are you excited for next month?" I can tell he was the most excited.

"Yeah I am."

"There's a coffee shop in the Campus-- which is awesome-- maybe we can meet there sometimes." I nod.

"Have you been in the campus?" I ask. I heard laughter from behind me. The laugh sounds so pure, I love to hear it. I look over my shoulder and see Caleb and Karmen hugging each other tightly.

I turned my head back to Kayden then smile. "Let's get a drink, yeah?" He nods. We walk over to the drink table ans grab a glass of what looks like wine. I take a sip and moan. I haven't had wine in for ever.

"Good?" Kayden asks and I nod. We both chuckle then I look over to the food table.

"Kayden, there are strawberries with chocolate?" I ask with my mouth gaped.

"Oh yeah. I convinced my mum to have one. She doesn't really like chocolate." He shrugs. He puts his hand in his pocket while the other still holds onto his drink.

"Me neither, but when it comes to strawberries and chocolate, it's an accpetion." Then I pout. "But I can't right now. I haven't even eaten. And that's just breaking the rules." He hums and looks around.

"I think they're going to serve food in a little. How about we sit and wait for a couple?" He suggests and I nod. We walk over to the table and sit down. We start talking about our future plans and how Sasha might move in with him.

I finished eating my food. I didn't eat a lot since I wasn't that hungry. But I really do want the strawberries. Caleb wiped his mouth with a bapkin then looked at me.

"You're done? You barely touched your rice, you only ate the soup." I bite my lip and nod.

"That is because I love how your mom makes the soup." I smile which he smiles back. "And I've been eyeing that stand with strawberries and. . . well I want some." He laughs and takes my hand in his.

"You go get us some while I throw our plates away." I nod and we stand up.

"Hey where are you two going?" Hannah asks with furrowed brows.

"I'm going to get strawberries with chocolate." She hums and licks her lips.

"Mind getting me some?" She points to her stomach and I nod. I walk over to the stand and grab two plates. I grab the strawberries and marshmallows and cover them with chocolate.

"I really don't like that you and Kayden are going to go to the same school next year." I heard Sasha from behind me. I roll my eyes and put the plate down.

"Well it isn't your decision to make if Kayden goes to that school with me." I shrug with an innocent grin. She crosses her arms over her chest and a scowl was written on her face.

"Your trying to take him away from me, aren't you?" She asks. I roll my eyes and look at her.

"Look Shasha, I don't know what I did to make you hate me. But Kayden and I are just friends, we're close." I seethe. I really am trying to keep my composure with this bitch. It's Karmen and Michelle's wedding, I don't want to ruin anything by beating this girl up. And I don't want Kayden to get angry with me again.

"Well I would really like it if you stopped being 'friends' with my boyfriend." I furrow my brows and giggle.

"Sasha, that's actually not up to you." I tried walking away but she grabbed my arm and dug her nails in my skin.

"Look you whore, I know you slept with Kayden months ago. And-,"

"And what?" I ask with a smirk. "Are you jealous?" I chuckle and shrug my arm from her grasp. "I know I used to fuck around and sleep with every guy, but don't act like you didn't either. What happened between me and Kayden was just a one time thing. Don't be so possessive over him, that just makes you look even worse than you already do." I grab a strawberry and put it in my mouth. I winked at her before walking back to the table.

I give Hannah hers and I sit down with Caleb.

"What did she want?" Caleb whispers in my ear.

"She doesn't want Kayden to be friends with me. And she called me a whore too, for sleeping with him." I felt him tense from beside me. I shouldn't have even brought that up.

"Does Kayden know?" I look over to him and shake my head.

"I don't even know what he sees in her." Sasha came back to the table and kissed Kayden's cheek.

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