chapter 90

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Third Person

As Haizly grabbed the balloons and set them on every table, Caleb made sure that the food trays were opened and neatly sitting on the table.

"Do the tables look okay? I feel like I put too much balloons. Or should I put more? Kayden d-," Caleb cuts her off by pressing his lips on hers.

"Baby, it looks fine. It isn't too much nor too less." She smiles at him then walks away to the inside. Caleb sighs and looks at Austin.

"She's so bossy." He laughs.

"Tell me about it, Maya is one bossy lady. Last night I couldn't even shower unless the tub was clean." Caleb laughs and so does Noah.

"Are you serious? Rosie w-," they heard a throat clear. When they look over to the door, they saw all three ladies looking at them with crossed arms.

"Sorry." The guys said in unison. The girls giggled and went back in the kitchen. There was a knock on the door and Haizly went to open the door.

"Hey," she greets Kayden's friends.

"Hi, we brought some presents for Kayden." She points to a table and tells them to put them there. Soon, more people started coming. She was upset that Karmen and Michelle couldn't make it to Kayden's birthday party. His last year of being a teenager.

It was mostly Kayden and Caleb's family who went. Haizly rented a small salon. It was beautiful though. There were lights hanging from the fence to the roof of the building. The tables were covered in white cloth and there were blue balloons on each table. Blue and silver.

A car door closed and Haizly quickly panicked.

"Guys he's here!" She shushes everyone before going over to the door. Kayden walks in and immediately everyone yells, "Surprise!" He was shocked to see everyone but mostly excited to see everyone he loves.

"Thank you guys so much." He pulls Haizly in for a hug then hugs Caleb. Everyone greeted him and told him Happy Birthday.

"This is your last year of being a teenager." One of his friends told him.

"I know, it's upsetting that I'm getting old," everyone giggled. Kayden looked around the place in search for his girlfriend but he didn't see her.

"Hey Haizly, did you invite Sasha?" Haizly stops talking to Caleb for a moment.

"Yeah I did. I sent her a message yesterday morning telling her that we will be throwing you a party. She didn't open it though." He nods.

"I'll just call her." She nods and goes back to talking to Caleb. Kayden steps aside and pulls his phone out. Clicking on Sasha's contact, he calls her and she answers on the second ring.


"Sasha, are you not planning on joining my party?" Kayden asks sadly. Sasha sighs and sounds like she's pouting.

"I wasn't invited." Kayden furrows his brows then turns around to see Haizly.

"Haizly told me she sent you a text message, did you not get it?"

"No, I didn't get anything. She's lying, I would've gotten the message." He feels something weird from her words.

"You should still come." She sighs deeply again and sounds more annoyed.

"No, I'm sure they don't even want me there." She pauses for a little. "I know she's trying to take you away from me. She's planning all of it, I know it. Kayden, you have to choose between me and her." Kayden has been feeling really weird with Sasha recently.

Like if she were distancing herself and if she was un-interested in him. So he did what every responsible guy should do.

"Sasha, have you gone mad? It's always going to be my best friend." She gasps then groans.

"Kayden, you love me and I love you. This is how it's supposed to work," he shakes his head even though she can't see him.

"No, girlfriend's don't make their boyfriends choose between their best friends and them. I pick Haizly over you," before she could respond he hangs up the phone and walks over to Haizly and Caleb.

"I just broke up with Sasha." Haizly was surprised but he saw a hint of relief behind her eyes. Caleb as well. "Don't pretend to be sad for me, I know everyone hated her. I was just too blind." He shrugs and puts his hands in his pockets.

"It's not pretend Kayden. But I am glad you left her, she wasn't really a nice person." Your one to talk. She says to herself. She laughs and covers her mouth with her hand. "Come, let's get a drink." Pulling Kayden and Caleb to the alcohol table, they grab some shots and down them all.

"You are so getting wasted tonight." Caleb pats Kayden's shoulder and then they down one more drink. Haizly fixes herself vodka with lime in a cup.

"Happy Birthday to Kayden!" Everyone clapped as Kayoden blew on the candles. After everyone got a piece of cake then hung around.

"They think they can just get away with that?" Matilde says with a scowl as she looked at everyone eating cake. "Well they're wrong. They have no idea what is hitting them." She smirks then looks at the passenger seat and looks at Valentino.

"Thank you for all the information, now get out." Valentino rolls his eyes and opens the door but stops and looks back at her.

"Your such a bitch who believes everything." He laughs then gets out of her car. He walks away from it and down the road.

What's the word? Oh yeah, fabricate. She was just given the wrong information. Poor bitch has nothing better to do other than obsess over my son. He says to himself.

But I did enjoy the head and blow jobs. He laughs to himself.

Caleb kisses Haizly's head as everyone sang an Eminem song that is very populated.

And that is the end of this book. I'm upset, I've worked so hard on this book. This is the only book I've ever had a plan for. I'm in love with all of it.

I also know the whole plot for the second book. So make sure to stay tuned for that one.

Anyways, thank you so much for reading!! I really appreciate it. <3

Follow my ig to keep up with the next book and see when I publish the second book.

Ig; naylagarcia563
<3 <3 <3

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