Chapter 55

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"I love you too, bye." I have Caleb one last kiss before I closed the door. He helped me with my studies. He reassured me that I did fine on the math test we had to take this afternoon.

Stupid teachers are always making us stress even more at the end of the year. It's like they don't want us to graduate! I almost punched the teacher today but I stopped myself, I thought about graduating.

I sighed and put my books away in my backpack and took a quick shower. Marisa told me how sick Celali was today, she threw up on her desk. We couldn't stop laughing through the phone.

She said she saw her right on time when she walked in her office. She puked all over her desk and farted. I just couldn't stop laughing.

So they all went home, and that's why I didn't go to work today. Although I wish I would've gone, it's lonely here.

My phone buzzed right after I got out of the shower. I put it in speaker as I dressed myself in the same thing I was wearing before I showered.

"Haizly! Let's get ice cream?" Kayden asks.


"Okay, I'm outside your door, I'm going in." He hung up. I groan and finally put my sock on. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Kayden sitting down on the stool.

"Ready?" He asks. I nod and put on my converse and my phone. I keep my money in my phone case. The phone case is hard to open so that's why I keep it on.

"At Dairy Queen?" I asked.

"Yeah. Except some of my friends are coming, if that's okay?" I nodded. We went down to his car. I haven't really seen the people Kayden hangs out with, I only know he has this girl friend who hates my guts because I'm so annoying.

We got to Dairy Queen and found a booth at the very corner where me and Kayden were last time when I was sad because of Caleb.

That day feels so long ago when really it was just last month. There's rarely any people here, only one couple outside but it's cold out. But yet I'm only wearing a t-shirt with leggings.

"Kayden!" Someone says. We turn our heads to the side to see a group of people.

Kayden smiles and gets up and hugging the girl that hates my guts. She looks down at me and puts a big fake smile.

"And you?" She chuckled. "Why are you here?"

"Why are you here?" I asked smirking.

"Because I want to and because he invited us."

"Hm well he invited me too." I chuckle and look down at Kayden. She kisses Kayden's lips and I'm caught by surprise. Since when does Kayden date the bitch?

I raise an eyebrow at Kayden and he giggles softly. "Last night." He read my mind. I nod and purse my lips.

Maybe I should leave? I mean this isn't my group and I don't know anyone. And they look at me like if I just killed someone, and I am if they're gonna keep looking at me like that.

Kayden's distracted so I got up slowly and made it out the door. I groan as the cold air hit my skin. I sigh and walk towards where my apartment is.

It's a long walk from where my apartment is, maybe I should call Caleb. But what if he's busy? Maybe I can call Cara? No but she lives in Manhattan.

My mom? Nah she sleeps earlier than everyone. I'll just call Caleb. He answered on the first ring.

"Hey babe, okay so I've decided that we should add those balloons that are numbers. You know? We can put number nineteen since were both nineteen." I chuckled.

"Sure, but we should add more balloons."

"Why are you obsessed with balloons woman?" He laughs. I put my hand under the other as I held the phone and tried to stay warm.

"I honestly don't know. I've always been obsessed with them." I shrugged. I stopped at the gas station and went in.

"Hm, that's weird."

"Is it really? I always thought it was fine."

"Not really. Why would you want a lot of balloons at the party when people could grab them and keep them for themselves, or try let them go, and they go everywhere!" He yells.

I grab a bag of hot Cheetos and a vanilla Starbucks coffee.

"Your right about all that. But we should at least get some, what's a party without balloons? Am I right?" I chuckled and out the stuff on the counter to pay.

"9.14 please." The cashier said with a nice genuinely smile. I smiled back and paid him.

"Hmm Fine! Just because you want them." I blushed. "Where are you?" He asks. I grab the bag and thank the guy.

"I'm at the gas station." I got out of the store. "Which reminds me, could you pick me up?"

"How did you get there?"

"Me and Kayden were going for ice cream and he invited his friends and they were all looking at me like if I killed someone, and I would've if they kept staring at me so I left without Kayden noticing." I said in one big breath.

"I'll be there, don't move." He hung up as I pouted. I wanted to stay on the phone until he got here.

Ten minutes he finally got here and I ran to his car. It's freezing cold and I'm stupid for not bringing a sweater.

"Why the hell didn't Kayden say anything?" Caleb asks once we've left the gas station.

"He was concentrated on his bitchy girlfriend. The one that hates my guts." I scoff and lay my head on the window. It's really loud, and I'm getting annoyed.

"Ugh, I hate that whore." Caleb makes a sour face and glances at me.

"Me too." I open the Cheeto bag and we started eating them until we got to my apartment. We got out of the car and I saw Caleb grabbing a black bag as we got in the elevator and up to my apartment.

I opened the door and ran to the kitchen. "I need water." I groan as I get a cup.

"You have coffee in the bag." He chuckles. I swallow the water and turn to face him.

"I know, but I really needed water." He shrugs and goes in my bedroom.

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