All I Wanted

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Haizly and Caleb figure out a way to have a happy life outside of the Mafia. Even though she knows there will be more trouble and she can't have a normal life like she wanted.
Caleb hides secrets. He doesn't want to, but he has to, in  able to keep Haizly.
He wanted to have a perfectly good life now that she's in school, he wanted her to be happy, he wanted the best for her.
But sometimes things just end up messy.
They never thought they would end up in such a big mess.
But all they ever wanted was to be happy and ignore everything and everyone around them.
Even if it could get you killed.

My life has always been fucked up. My father is a dead-beat shit who made my life miserable. My mother stuck around with him until she had my brother who is a year younger than I am. My father would always be drunk and fucking women every night. He would bring them in our house and do stuff with them while torturing my mother. I have so much rage with that piece of shit. And although I know it wasn't my mother's fault, I still have so much anger inside me from what I've seen and been through.

People obviously don't understand that they're the reason I'm like this. My father, his past, the people who would never help out my mom when she needed it. And she got through everything alone. Until she met my stepfather and had another child. Drake.

I never got along with none of my brother's. Cara, only a little. Only when I really needed her help. Like with relationships and school. She's way older than me, has her life together, and is now a detective. I am proud of her, but I haven't spoken or seen her in years.

Hell, I haven't seen none of them in years. After my mother told me she was pregnant again, I lost it. And everyone lost it on me. Especially my mother.

I've always thought, 'when she has this baby, it's going to have a better life than I ever did growing up'. And that makes me furious. Drake and this new damned baby will have better lives than I ever had as a child. Not just me but Josh and Cara too. We have the same father, while Drake doesn't.

All I know, is that they're the reason I'm like this. And they can never fix me, not even Caleb. And he knows me better than anyone else in this fucked up world.

My professor wants us to write something tragic in our lives and turn them into books. Books that only we get to keep and share if we want to. And no way in hell would I share my writing. My life is so fucked up that I don't want people to know what goes on. Especially the people I went to school with, since they all knew how I was. Rebellious. The only fucking word.

But being bad is way more fun than being one of those girls who are shy and have their noses in a book. And although I love reading, I will never become one of them.

I have my notes layed out on the island and am trying to figure out what happened at this time and who did it. The past is like a blur to me. But I still remember when I met Kayden, when Caleb and I got together then got engaged. I'm just getting old.

This is my final before I graduate. I'm graduating early so Caleb and I could finally move into that big house and have a family. I'm still a little weird about having kids, but I'm still thinking about it. Caleb is always trying to convince me to have a baby, but I can't. Plus, we're too young.

That is the first chapter of the sequel!!! I am really excited to publish it! I've worked on it for months now and have everything planned out.

I just really hope you guys like it. This book is so important to me.

The book will come out on July 16th (I asked my sister to pick a random date and she said that so now I kind of have too). It gives me more time to have the other chapter's ready so I can publish them.

I promise you guys that you guys will love this book more than the first. There's a lot of drama, heartbreak, romance, and death. It's also really graphic so just a warning. There will also be depression and self harm so if you're not into that then don't read. But it's not in every chapter.

July 16th book release.
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