Chapter 63

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When you go I can't watch you leave
Just promise me you'll sneak out when I'm asleep
And when you go, and your miles out too far
I wake up wishing everything was just a dream
'Act like you love me'

School went by fast and Rosie  apologized about last night. She said it was all the alcohol and she didn't mean anything she said. She said she'll get out of our reationship and let us do us.

Work is stressful, Celali found out she's pregnant of two months which is even more stressful because she wants to go baby shopping, what she should eat and at what time. And then her meetings schedules with people around the world.

Marissa and Liam are going on vacation this weekend and she tells mr how she can't wait. They're going to Amsterdam to see if they can find any houses there.

My mom is still texting me telling me what Caleb and I should get for graduation. She's inviting the whole family and her friends. Caleb thinks he should just invite his mom, Hannah, and Michelle. He doesn't want Kayden there but I convinced him to invite him because either way I'm gonna.

He's my best friend.

Kayden was surprised when Caleb messaged him. I was with Kayden and i texted Caleb to text Kayden.

Tomorrow Caleb leaves for Brazil and I'm not ready for him to leave me here. I wish he could just stay here with me.

He promised to always call everytime he got out of work, when he's about to go to bed, and when he wakes up.

The next day I wake up, Caleb's arm around my waist and his face on the crook of mt neck.

I wish we could stay like this forever. My chest hurts realizing he leaves today at noon. I'm not ready to be without him.

"Good morning." His voice sounds husky and sexy. I'm going to miss it. I turned around to face him, his messy hair covering his eyes. I giggle as I push his hair back and kiss his lips.

"Morning." I nuzzled my head on his chest as he held me close to his body.

"I was thinking that we should skip school and go out to eat breakfast, enjoy the day before I have to go." He said kissing my cheek. I sigh and grab his hand, playing with each finger.

"Yeah, that'd be nice." He smiles and kisses my forehead. He gets up and goes into the kitchen. I sigh and decided to take a shower.

After I got out I changed into dark blue ripped jeans, a pink crop top, Caleb's dark blue hoodie that goes down to my thighs. I put my hair straight and only put mascara and eyeliner. Not in the mood to put extra makeup on.

"My mom and Michelle just decided on a date." Caleb says coming in my bedroom holding his phone on one hand.

"To when?" I asked and got up from the floor where I was doing my hair on the body sized mirror.

"July 25." He says. I sigh and nod, looking up at him. My eyes roam his face then locking eyes with him again.

"It's okay." He says hugging me. "Let's go, yeah?" I nod. I grab my phone and wallet and we walk out.

"Where do you want to eat?" He asks. I would love to go to Good Fellas but it's always crowded and I get annoyed pretty fast. So I decided on Jenny's. It's better, we all know each other.

We picked a booth by the window. They have easter decorations, it's kinda cute. They have every decor for every season.

The waitress came and took our order, she was talking about how cute we look together and how she's happy that we're graduating next month.

"My mom keeps sending me things to buy before the party." I groan as I delete the notifications from my phone.

"I'm so ready to leave that fucking school." Caleb sighs stretching his arms out.

"Same, I hate everyone there." I scoff. The waitress brought over our food and we started to eat.

Me and Caleb spoke about how when he comes back we should go to Las Vegas for some alone time. I agreed, we do need the time for us without no worries of anyone around us.

After we ate we went to the movies to watch some new movie I've never heard of but Caleb says it looks awesome on the tv. I agreed to watch it because he said it includes romance so I just had to.

"You don't even like romance." Caleb says as he grabbed my hand and out his on mine.

"I don't like realistic romance, I like fiction romance. Like AFTER, by Anna Todd." I grinned up at him. He rolls his eyes playfully.

"Let's go." We walked in the room and sat in our seats which was all the way back on the right.


"I have to admit, that was an awesome movie." I giggled as we walked out of the theaters.

"I told you. Although I am a little weird-out about Jace and Ruby." She shakes in disgust.

"Ugh I know, how the hell did he even take their hearts out?" I asked creasing my eyebrows. His hand goes to my waist and pulls me closer to his body.

"Let's go home." He says smirking. I know that smirk, he looks adorable. We get in his car and he drives to my his apartment.

"When I'm gone, I want you to stay here." Caleb says as we get into his apartment.

"Really?" I asked turning around. He nlds and closes the door behind him and comes to me.

"Yes." He grabs my hips and puts me on the kitchen counter and kisses me with passion.

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