Chapter 56

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"Hey, Babe! Wake up!" Haizly pokes my cheek. I groan and turn around so that my back is facing her.

"We have to get to school!" She groans. "Fine, I'll just leave without you." I heard her shuffling around the room and humming. I groan and get up, and grabbing her waist.

"Fine I'm up. But wait for me." She nodded her head grinning as she walked to the kitchen happily.

Those jeans look good on her. Her ass shaped good. She's wearing light jeans, a black crop top, a maroon bomber jacket, with her rose gold Adidas.

She doesn't really wear those shoes or jacket. But she looks cute.

After I got out of the shower I changed in black joggers, a white t-shirt, a black hoodie, and my all back vans.

"Finally!" Haizly said getting up from the stool and coming over to me and kissed my lips.

"It's barely 6:39, how can you wake up so early?" She shrugs.

"I like to have time to myself before I have to do anything today." I smiled and kissed her lips.

"Hm we should go over to Starbucks, I have another test today."

"We all have a test today." Stupid test we have to take before we graduate! Curse these shits. What if I just drop out? Nah Haizly would be mad at me.

But she's so cute when she acts so innocent. Haizly has a soft spot, she just doesn't show it. She hates it when people make her soft, she likes it being when people fear on her.

I know she feels that I'm making her soft. And I want her to be soft, she just doesn't seem the type to be rude. She's adorable! I mean look at her!

I looked over at her and see her stuffing a powder donut in her mouth. I chuckle and walk over to her.

"Donut at this time?" I asked. She groans and grabs another one.

"I don't care." She grins up at me. I take the donut away from her hand and push her on the counter.

"And it's not too early for this." I rub myself against her. She moans softly and I smirk.

"Let's go." She grabbed her bag and we went down to my car. When we got there we walked up the stairs and went to our first period.

"Okay so let me get this straight, she doesn't wanna get married?" Austin asks confused and raising his hands in the air.

"Not right now but in the future when she's done with college. We're getting engaged but not getting married soon." Noah looks back at me as he creases his brows.

"You guys are fucking weird." I snicker and scratch the back of my neck. "But knowing her, she'll give in. Just give her time." He's right. I should let Haizly take her time as she thinks about marriage.

After gym we went to our second period. The girls were already seated in the back as they all laughed.

"Who the hell has gym for first period?" Maya laughs.

"Us." Austin retorts and sits next to Maya.

"I mean, haven't you guys seen that whore that puts on too much makeup and coach always makes her workout so her makeup drops?" The girls giggle. Ah this is our lives. We're great at bullying people. It's horrible, but bad people deserve it sometimes.

"That's disgusting." Noah scrunches up his nose. Me and Austin snicker as I put my arm around Haizly's shoulders.

Kayden walks in and looks at us, but Haizly doesn't seem to notice him because she's talking to the girls. He looked at me as I glared at him.

Why can't he just leave Haizly alone? Him and his mom should just leave my family alone. All they do is big too much.

I see Haizly playing with her finger. The finger she got the tattoo on. "Does it itch?" I asked, trying not to laugh.

"Yes. I hate it. But it's worth it." I grab her hand and see the rose myself. It's healing at least, but it would get annoying when she would put that cream on her finger. It would get all over her hand and it would make things slippery  for her.

"By the way, Hannah texted me asking for you. She said you wouldn't pick up your phone." She looks up to meet my eyes as I'm still holding her hand in the air.

"I haven't checked my phone this morning." I reached in my pocket and pulled out my phone. Wow, twelve texts and five calls.

"I'll try to find her at lunch." She nods and puts her attention to the teacher.

When it was lunch time, I tried looking for Hannah but couldn't find her anywhere. Haizly and the group are waiting for me outside to go out to eat.

"Yeah my moms getting married."

"To who?"

"Um, this woman. I don't really want to go into detail until after the wedding." I heard Kayden say. His mom is getting married? To who? I thought his mom and my mom were hitting it off.

Eh just sends shivers up my spine. I shake my head and walk past him and out the door. I guess I'll just text her.

But I get a feeling that his mom and my mom are getting married. If they are, why wouldn't she tell me? I need to know, I am her son.

She should at least hear what I have to say about this. It's not pretty but neither is this wedding thing they're planning on.

It's going to destroy my life!

I walked out of the building and get in my car where Haizly is. I drive off to Sonic. She wanted Wendy's but we always have that, and I'm not saying I don't like it, but it's just that I need something else other than burgers.

I need wings.

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