Chapter 5

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I walked out of school as Caleb took me to his house. They're having a small group party. My head is pounding and I'm annoyed. Annoyed because people keep looking at me like if I were some serial killer. Although I won't blame them, I am a badass.

I go in the kitchen and grab a cup of water with ibuprofen. I took the water with me to the living room and sat on Caleb's lap.

He rocks his leg up and down fast so I'm jumping. I saw Rosie snake eyeing me and I glared at her too. Me and Rosie are friends but she can get annoying with jealousy.

Her and Caleb used to fuck but since I came along, he chose me and Rosie went to Noah. I don't know why Noah is with her, he's too nice for her.

Mark, Rosie, Maya, and Austin then drank all the beers and smoked all the pot they had. I didn't want some because of my pounding head and my tiredness. Later Caleb took me home and now I'm currently in the living room watching Friends with a big box of vanilla ice cream.

"Does your head feel better?" My mom asks coming in the living room. I shrug and continue eating the ice cream and pretending that she isn't in the room.

"Your grandma is coming over, help me clean." I look over at the place and see it's already clean. Hell even if I had a stomach ache she would make me clean the damn house while puking every second.

"It's already clean." I say bluntly and shove a spoonful of the cold cream in my mouth. My mom sighs and sits on the other couch, going on her phone.

"Why don't you ever listen?" My mom mumbles under her breath. I shoot a glare her way and raise an eyebrow.

"Are you talking about me?" I asked, her eyes widened as she realized she said that way too fucking loud.

"Yes. Why don't you ever listen? Why am I all of a sudden a threat to you." I laugh. She's so dramatic.

"Maybe because you won't pay too much attention to me, your always with that shit-head of a boyfriend, your always on the damn device thing-" I say pointing to the phone in her hands,"-and because you make my life miserable. You never fucking once cared about my health! You never knew that I was cutting! You never knew I was depressed for what seemed like ages. I got bullied my entire elementary and middle school years, and I asked for me to change schools but all You did was say that I only had one more year.

One more year is way too fucking much! I stopped eating, I started drinking, smoking, hanging with the wrong crowd, and all you did was sit there and watch me destroy myself over and over again!" I yell. She looks sad. Good she should be sad. I don't feel bad about saying anything because she really needed to hear it. She needs to know how she was a part of the fucking reason I came out this way.

"Haizly, why didn't you tell me this before?" My mom asks, sadness in her eyes as she stared up at me.

"Maybe because I couldn't fucking speak to you. Did you not hear the things I was just saying? You never paid attention to me, if you did, then it was for something else." I sigh and run a hand through my greasy hair. The door opened and in my grandma and grandpa walked in hand in hand.

They have small feelings for each other but you know damn well how their relationship is drifting apart.

"I have to go." I say putting on my shoes and grabbing my car keys. The first person that came in mind is Kayden as I dialed his number.

"Hello?" He answers on the first ring. I'm driving way too fast and all I need is to hear someone tell me that I'm right and my mom is wrong by her actions.

"Hey, are you free?" I asked panting. I'm too mad and I'm gripping the steering wheel.

"Yeah, what's wrong? You okay?" He asks, worry filling his voice and I can already see him frowning.

"Could we possibly meet up somewhere? I really need someone to talk to." By now angry tears are spilling.

"Yeah, where?" I told him to meet me at the Starbucks near my moms job. He got here two minutes after I got here, and ordered a small hot coffee as I got iced coffee.

"What's wrong? You got me worried." He says trying to find something by examining my features. I pull my legs to my chest and sigh.

"It's about my mom." He nods for me to proceed. I tell him everything that happened at least seven minutes ago. "Do you think I'm right?" I asked after my explaining.

"I understand you. Your mom shouldn't have been that way with you. She should have been paying more attention to you, instead of running off with some dude she met on the internet." He says defending me. His hand goes over the table to reach for mine.

I bring my lip ring between my teeth as I stare into his hazel brown eyes. There's something about him, nice, gentle, and something else that I just can't quite put a finger to it.

The door opened and the little bells rang informing us that someone came in. I looked up from Kayden's eyes and looked behind him, seeing Caleb and Rosie. Obviously I won't get jealous, we all fuck around.

"Well, well, well." Rosie says smirking while coming over to us. I roll my eyes and wait for her to call me out. But nothing happens, she just looks at the both of us smirking. "Looks like Caleb is gonna have a fit." She whispers to me. I furrow my brows and look behind her, Caleb's fists turning into balls. I sigh and look back at Rosie.

"And? We're not dating." Caleb puts his hand on Rosie's was it, and honestly, that fucking hurt.

"Haizly, what are you doing here?" He asks seething through his teeth. I raise an eyebrow and lean back on the booth.

"Talking to my friend." I point to Kayden. "What are you doing here?" I fake a smile at him, putting my head on my palm.

"Getting drinks, Everyone is craving some, you know, because they're high." I nod. "Anyways, I'll see you around." He winks and walks to the counter. I look at Kayden and he chuckles.

"What a great friend." The sarcasm in his voice makes me giggle. Since when do I giggle?

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