Chapter 45

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"Hey." I said and sat down next to him on the bed. He looked at me and smiled.

"Um, there's this Gala the Mafia is having today, wanna go?" I chuckle and stand up.

"Really? Who hosts a party right when I get my period?" I yell in disappointment. "I mean, what if they know. And they just like to see me get angry because I am not comfortable going." I seethed.

"Haizly, chill. You can wear shorts under." I scoff.

"I guess, yeah." He kisses my cheek.

"Get ready." I nod as he goes in the bathroom to shower. I sigh and go to Hannah's bedroom.

"Yo Hannah, got a dress for me to wear?" I asked and turned around, but saw her and Eric in bed, naked, breathless, and sweaty.

"Sorry." I walked back out and chuckled. Finally the girl is getting it. But now I just have to distract Caleb from them.

I walked back in the room and looked for a dress I brought. But I didn't bring any, of course. I sighed and sat down on the bed.

"Knock! knock!" Someone said down the hallway. I creased my brows and walked out of the bedroom.

"Who are you?" I asked. He looked around twenty-five, brown gelled hair, tall, huge diamond earrings, rings, and fancy clothing.

"Hello, you must be Haizly. I'm Andres, Caleb told me a lot about you. You really are hot." I chuckle.

"Hello Andres, um thanks." He smiles.

"Of course, now let's get started."

"Started with what?" I asked. He snaps his fingers and people with clothes and makeup came out of nowhere.

"Let's get you dressed."

After an hour of baking my face, trying on six different dresses, and re-doing my hair, I finally look fine. He also did Hannah, and she looks amazing. And thanks to Andres.

"Caleb get in here!" Andres yelled snapping his fingers. Caleb walked in the room and and raised an eyebrow.

"You look, stunning." I blushed and kissed his lips.

"Thanks, you don't look bad yourself." I chuckled. "Anyways, the shorts under are so comfortable, I'm keeping them."

"Keep everything, it's all yours." I blushed and swat his arm.

"Shut up, don't make me blush, Andres put too much blush already." I hid my face and looked at Hannah who was with Eric.

She's a good girl, I never imagined her sleeping with someone at such a young age.

I lost my virginity at seventeen, and guess to who. Caleb. I still remember that day, it was beautiful.

"Let's go?" Caleb asks, breaking me out of my thoughts.

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