Chapter 23

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It's Karmen's birthday today and me and Caleb are getting ready. I get dressed in black ripped jeans, a dark pink pastel v-neck shirt, and black boots. I applied my usual makeup and straightened my hair.

Caleb is wearing khaki joggers, a black t-shirt, with a dark pink pastel hoodie, and black vans.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and Caleb grabbed it before I can.

"Hello?" I glared up at him. "No she is asleep." I stare at him with confusion. "Yeah I'll let her know.. Monday? Yeah okay, thanks." He handed me my phone back and I checked who it was.

"MECS!" I exclaim. "What did they tell you? Did I get in?" He grins and nods. I squeal and hug him.

"Ugh finally, I needed to get out of here." He put his hand on his chest.

"This is a nice place. I'd rather be here and be with my girl." I blushed and walked out of the bathroom and in my bedroom to grab my purse.

We arrived at his parents house and walked in. There were people I didn't recognize, and everyone was mostly outside.

"Mark is that your girlfriend?" A girl that looked about thirteen asked.

"Yeah." They all 'oohed' and 'aww' which kinda felt good. He took my to the backyard and we said hi to his parents and Hannah.

"Are you and my bro dating or something?" Hannah asks biting her taco. I look at her and blush.

"Damn Haiz, never seen you blush before. Other than that day I caught you two having sex." I gasped and shushed her.

"Jesus Hannah, someone could've heard you." She laughs and shakes her head.

"They're all in their world. Your safe." I shook my head and she walked away. Caleb came back to me and we ate.

Every now and then, some guys with women would come to our table and say hi to Caleb. I found it weird that they were in suits to a birthday party.

I heard laughs and gasps, I turned and saw Karmen with a woman.

Caleb turned to look where my eyes are and he shifted in his seat. Right then I knew who it was.

"We should get going." Caleb says talking a napkin on the corner of his mouth. I nodded and threw our plates away.

I said bye to Karmen and Fabian before leaving. Hannah was no where to be found and Caleb looked really impatient.

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