Chapter 48

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Caleb gave me a kiss before he left. I hope everything goes well. Well actually not everything is gonna go well because there's guns and bombs going off!

Ugh! Why the hell did Valenshitto do this? Does he not care about his son?

"Hey, everything will be alright." Hannah said rubbing my back. Eric left with Caleb and I know she's stressing on that like I am with Caleb.

I walked in the kitchen and grabbed another cup of coffee. I got my book and brought my knees to my chest as I started reading.

"Haizly." I heard Hannah's voice faintly. I open my eyes and saw her face looking pained. Her eyes are filled with tears.

"What happened? Is Caleb okay? Is Eric?" I asked panicking. What even time is it? How long have I been out?

"Calebs in the hospital, he got shot. I don't know where but we have to go." I nodded and ran out the door. I don't care if I don't have any shoes, Caleb needs me.

I got in the car and Hannah got in the passenger seat. I drove to the hospital as Hannah gave me directions. We got there and saw all his men outside either hurt or on their phones talking fast.

"Hello, I'm Caleb Scott's girlfriend. Where is he? Is he okay? Can I see him?" I asked trying to look behind her but the only thing is receptionists looking at me strangely.

"Ma'am, we cannot tell you anything right now. He's going into surgery immediately and won't be awake till tomorrow." I sobbed and dropped to the floor.

"Come on Haizly." Hannah said pulling me on my two feet. She sits me down on one of the chairs in the waiting room where all his men are.

"Hannah." I heard Erica voice. Hannah's gasps and gets up and hugging Eric.

"Haizly, he's going to be fine." I looked up at him and stand up.

"Do you know where he got shot?" I asked fiddling with my hands.

"On his chest." My breathing hitched as I started to sob again. Hannah rubbed my back as she glared at Eric.

"Caleb Scott?" The doctor said coming out with a clipboard. Everyone got up and I went over to the doctor.

"Is he okay?" He sighs and nods with a smile.

"He's fine. He got through surgery and we got the bullet out in time. It hit his chest close to his heart. He's not awake yet but you guys can see him." I smiled and sniffled.

"Can I see him?" He nods.

"Please follow me." Hannah comes along as we follow the doctor. We go into his room and see Calebs face bruised up.

I go over to his side and grab his hand, and trace my fingers on his face. "Caleb?" I cried.

"He's going to be okay." Hannah said tearing up. I sniffle and kiss his lips. I moved his hair away from his face.

I hope he wakes up soon. I want to kiss his lips, hear his voice. I want him to tell me it's going to be okay, even though nothings okay.

I stayed with him for hours. I talked to him, but he still wouldn't wake up. Hannah left the room so she could go get food. But I'm not in the mood for eating.

"Get her!" Yelled Sandra. She's my fathers kids mom. Yes, he has another kid with another woman.

"No! What are you guys doing?" My mom yelled trying to defend herself. Sandra smirked as she looked down at my mom.

"We're robbing you! What do you think were doing?" She laughs. The guys behind her looked like they were ready to grab my mom and do things to her.

I gasped as they walked in the house and started grabbing things. My mom grabbed me and my brothers and pushed us upstairs.

I could hear my moms faint voice screaming at the men to stop grabbing things. To stop touching her.

I don't remember much. But all I know is that it was my father's idea.

I gasped and looked up. Caleb looked down at me and I immediately grabbed his hand.

"Babe, are you okay? Do you feel fine? Need anything?" I asked fast I couldn't even keep up with myself. He groans and swallows.

"I'm fine." He smiles, a not reassuring smile, but it's there. I smile back and touch his face.

"Where's Hannah?" His voice is raspy and shaky. I clear my throat and shrug.

"Um, she's out getting food." He nods. There's something off. He's off. I know he just got out of surgery and he'll of course be acting weird, but that's not it.

"Who wants a burger?" Hannah says cheekily as she walks in the room with bags of food in her hands.

"Me." Caleb says groaning and grabbing a bag and stuffing a frie in his mouth. I smile as I grab a burger for myself, but I'm still not hungry.

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