Chapter 59

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"Caleb don't do this!" I yelled at him as I shoved the spoon in his mouth

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"Caleb don't do this!" I yelled at him as I shoved the spoon in his mouth. He whined and chewed the noodles.

"It hurts Haizly!" He said swallowing it and going back under the covers.

"That's why I got you this soup." I groaned. You stubborn baby! We had to face time each other when i went to go get the soup because he didn't want to be alone.

"But i don't want it. My throat hurts." I sigh and put the bowl on the nightstand and look at him.

"I'm going to leave the bowl there, I need to do some homework." He nods. I grab my school bag and get out my books.

"On second thought give me the soup." I look at him with a 'are you serious' face. He laughs and i hand him the bowl as he sits up on the headboard.

I looked at Caleb and he was blowing on the soup. I smile and look back at the books. His phone rang as he picked it up.

I walked in the kitchen to grab a bowl of cereal but I saw letters on his counter. I walked over to them as I saw shipping to California.

I saw a paper that says your flight is ready, you habe 24 hours to cancel the flight. April 4, Brazil.

Is he going to Brazil? That's only two days away from his flight. What about graduation? How long is he staying? I put the paper back on the counter and went over to the fridge.

I lost my appetite. I don't want him to leave.

Caleb walked in the kitchen wearing a hoodie and his shoes. I crease my brows and look at him.

"Where are you going?" Yeah where are you going? For how long? Why? My subconscious yelled at him, but I decided to keep her for a while.

"Hannah got in trouble at school today, my mom called me and told me to pick her up. Wanna go?" I sighed and shook my head. He came over to me and kissed my forehead.

I looked at the paper once more before he left. Was he even planning on telling me? Did he even think that I would see it? Because he is wrong.

I grabbed the Cheerios, a bowl, a spoon, and the milk. I'm not a big fan of Cheerios but this is the only cereal he has.

Twenty minutes later Caleb and Hannah come back. Hannah dropped her school bag on the floor next to the couch and plops down crossing her arms with a pout.

"She punched a girl in the face for calling her lesbian, she's suspended for four days." I raise an eyebrow and look at her. I never thought Hannah would do such thing.

"Mom's coming for you in an hour." Caleb says and goes in his bedroom. I sit down next to Hannah on the couch and she sighs deeply.

"Stupid girl. She deserved that punch, she doesn't even know me to be saying those kinds of stuff." I clear my throat and whisper to her ear.

"At least you punched the bitch. I would've g-,"

"Haizly I can hear you!" Caleb yells. I groan and go into his bedroom.

"What? She needs to stand up for herself." I cross my arms and stare at him. I want to talk to him about Brazil but Hanna's here and I don't want to argue when she's here.

I sit down on the bed and he sighs. "Well she still did wrong, she shouldn't have punched the girl." Im shocked. I'm surprised actually. The bad boy is saying she shouldn't have punched the girl.

"Says the boy who punched Austin in the face because he stole one of your french fries." I laugh. He snickers and looks at me.

"He grabbed three, I had a reason to. It's food, I don't like sharing." I shrug.

"Someone telling Hannah she's a lesbian is worse than someone stealing your fries!" Hannah comes in the room with a frown on her face.

"Can you two stop arguing about me and fries? It's kinda weird." I looked at Caleb with a raised eyebrow.

"You both are acting like my parents, although I wish y-,"

"Hannah, stop." Caleb says looking at her straight in the eye. Hannah shuts her mouth and walks back in the living room.

"Are you feeling better?" I asked. He lied down on the bed and sighed.

"No." I nod. "Let's just stay in bed until I feel better."

"What about Hannah?" He groans and gets up again. He walks out of the room stomping. What a baby!

I got up and went over to the window. I'm scared of heights but I love to see the view of the city.

When I first moved in with Caleb at the apartment I was jealous that he had the big window with the clearest view. But now I have it.

I just wish we were still living together. It was a fast relationship but I really do love him.

"Haizly come eat!" Caleb yelled. I sigh and go into the kitchen to see sandwiches on the island and Hannah grinning at them. I chuckled and sat down next to her.

"Sandwiches?" I asked.

"Yes, I need to go grocery shopping." Me and Hannah nod in agreement and he said, "anyways, we are going to have a lunch and we're going to tell Hannah how bad it is to be in trouble." I raise my eyebrows and bite my lip.

"Oh no, you two are parenting me!" Hannah says and tries to escape but Caleb grabs her arm and sits her back down.

"Sit." He instructs. She pouts and sits, I tried to stiffle a laugh but failed. They both looked at me confused.

"Why are you laughing?" They both asked at the same time. I shake my head and my hand.

"Nothing, just keep going on what your going to say." I'm laughing because you just pushed your sister back on the chair.

My subconscious said laughing with me.

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