Chapter 76

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"Leave her alone!" I screamed at my father. He looks down at me, a smirk on his face.

"Haizly go upstairs!" My mother yells, tears rushing down her face. My eyes went to my mum, then my father. I'm scared, but I need to help my mom. I need to take my father away from her. I ran to my mum and looked at her busted face.

"Mum are you okay?" I asked.

"Haizly I said to up stairs, listen dammit." She yells at me. I flinched, looking at her face.

"I'm trying to help you mommy." I sniffle.

"I don't need your help, now get the hell up stairs," I stared down at her face. Her lip is busted, her eye is purple and there is blood coming out of her mouth. " Now!" She yells when I don't move. Picking myself up from the floor, I wipe my eyes and look at my father behind me. His knuckles were bloody.

I don't understand why my mother is still with my father. I wish she could just leave him already. All he does is cause trouble for all of us. I'm little, but I understand the things that happen. I know my father has another girl, and a child with someone else. I just hate him and I hope he leaves us alone!

I opened my eyes, feeling the sweat run down my chest and forehead. I looked to my side, the moon on my face. I checked the time on my phone and it read 5:50 am. I run a hand through my face, groaning.

I sit up, looking around m bedroom. It feels lonely here without Caleb. His arms will be around me while we sleep, the only way I could sleep without those dreams.

This dream wasn't as bad as the other's. But it hurt to see my mother's face busted. What confused me the most was her yelling at me when all I wanted to do was help her. The sinister look on my father gave me the chills. I hate my father.

All I'm feeling right now is pain. I know I'm the one who made that decision, but it would be best. He and I needed some time. I don't want to be in this mafia stuff anymore, I hate it and all it does is bring drama into our relationship. I wish I knew about Caleb when we were younger, that way I could've helped him. Not get into he mafia.

I know I had problem's myself, but the Mafia isn't something you fool around with. I know Caleb was going through a lot, with his father and his past. But I am glad he accepted it. Unlike me, who is still the same girl I was when I was fourteen. I cause trouble. I'm the most trouble in the family, and everyone has told me.

My aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents. I haven't seen everyone in a while. Some of my family didn't even go to my graduate party like they promised when I was little. I'm a disappointment to everyone. I was the least favorite.

You could feel when you're unwanted. That's how I felt my entire life. With my mother especially, all she would do is ignore me with my problems. She would roll her eyes whenever I would try to talk to her, or she would just ignore me by being on her phone.

And they ask why I'm so rude to her? I mean I love her but she would hurt my feelings too. Just like everyone else.

My alarm took me out of my trance, making me flinch. It was now six, and I need to get dressed. I don't go in 'till eight, but I would like to take my time getting dressed. I get up from my bed, stretching and yawning as I go into my bathroom.

I looked like complete shit. My eyes are droopy, bags under my eyes, my hair looks like a nest on top of my head. I need extra makeup to cover all this up. I am very well at not showing emotion, so that's great. Either way no one will notice. I don't make conversation with anyone and all I have is a straight face.

I turned on the water for the shower, get undressed and get in. The warm water relaxes me and I feel like crying but the tears won't fall. It's strange to cry. I hated crying when I was younger, it made me look weak.

After I washed my body, I get out of the shower and walk in my room. The cold air runs through me and goosebumps start to rise.

I went in my closet and got out a black tight dress, and black heels. I struggled to zip it up. I was even about to call out to Caleb when I realized he wasn't here. Sighing I look at myself in the mirror before doing my hair. I braided it to the side and let some hair loose.

I brushed my teeth and put on my glasses. I decided that I should just pick up some coffee on my way to work instead of making some here. Grabbing my phone and keys, I walk out of my apartment and to the elevator.

When I got to work I walked straight to my office. I made sure not to make eye contact with anyone. I took a sip of my cooled coffee and sat down in my chair.

There was a knock on the door, clearing my throat I called them in. It was Celali, with a now big belly.

"Hi Haizly, how are you?" Better yet how are you? She looks cute honestly, but I won't tell her that.

"I'm okay, you?" I nod to her as I take another sip of my coffee. She smiles and comes to sit in a chair in front of my desk.

"I'm doing great." Her smile was bright. Too bright for this early in the morning. I feel like I'm going to pass out any minute now. "I just came in to tell you that I need you to come with me to the baby's appointment, then go baby shopping, then out to eat. How does that sound?" She asks. I bite my lip, pulling my lip ring between my teeth.

It would be great, in that way I can focus on something else other than Caleb. I wonder what he's doing. No, no I don't. I need to stop this. My mind makes me image Caleb on the couch eating ice cream while crying. Why? Caleb barely eats ice cream, he may be crying but the image makes me laugh.

"It sound good, just let me know when we're going." She nods and tries to stand up.

"And could you re-schedule my meeting with Gomez for Wednesday, please?" I nodded. She smiles and walks out of my office. Sighing I open the computer and start to re-schedule the meeting. She didn't tell me a specific time so I should just pick one.

This is a boring chapter!! But thank you for reading, the next few chapters will be a little hectic. Just a warning ⚠

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