Chapter 3

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Haizly's Pov

I walked in my first period class and took a seat in the very back. My 'friends' came and sat next to me, all smelling like smoke.

"Where were you Saturday? We were calling you to ask if you wanted to have a drink and drag with us." Caleb says putting his arm around my shoulders. I look at him and scoff.

"Caleb, I have a headache and I'm very tired. Leave me alone." My voice comes out harsher than I expected. But I suddenly put my head on his shoulder.

"Kayden, glad you could join us." My eyes dart to the door and I saw Kayden Castillo walking in and taking a seat two rows in front of me. The whole time he's been looking at me, then at Caleb. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat whenever Caleb would put his hand on my thigh.

When lunch came by, I walked out of school and met with the group. "Why does Kayden Castillo keep looking at you?" Rosie asks, her brows knitting in confusion. I look at her in confusion this time.

"I don't know. Now let's go, I'm hungry as fuck." I say pushing past her and getting in the car. I sat on Caleb's lap as I ate my food at Wendy's.

I wouldn't really say these people are my friends. Yeah I hang out with them because they're badass and daring. I fit in with them, I'm not caring, I'm daring, and I'm a badass.

I have good grades and am passing all my classes, but I keep getting in trouble. I get kicked out of class and sometimes I won't even go. But now that there's fucking iPads at school, I can easily find the website shit on the damn thing.

"We're gonna have a party tonight, you coming Haizly?" Rosie smirks at me. I look over my shoulder to see Caleb smiling too.

"On Tuesday?" I asked. I shouldn't even be surprised, they throw all these shitty parties every fucking day no matter what fucking day it is.

"No, I have something to do." Caleb pouts and puts his hands on both my thighs.

"Maybe this will change your mind." He whispers in my ear. I slap his hands from me and continue eating my fries.

"Oh c'mon Haiz, there's gonna be beer and weed. Your favorites." Noah says. I roll my eyes. It gets annoying when someone is constantly trying to make you do something or go somewhere.

"I already said no." I said too harshly to Noah. He's the nicest one out of the whole group. I don't even know why he's still with us, after all we've done.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you." I say. He nods and shrugs.

"It's okay, I'm used to it coming from you." Somehow that hurt me. I'm very rude to the only nice person here who was just telling me to go the damn party.

"I'll go then." I said and he grinned.

"I knew you'd come around." I roll my eyes and continue eating.

When I got home from school I go down to my room and change. A simple black oversized t-shirt, black ripped skinny jeans, black vans, and a golden necklace my mom got me years ago.

It was to protect me from the evil spirits. It sounds weird when I say it but it fucking worked.

I put my phone in my back pocket with some cash and went back upstairs to see my mom and sister sitting on the chairs and on their phones.

"Don't wait up for me, I won't be here!" I say and before any of them said anything I ran out of the house. If I stayed any longer my mom wouldn't have let me go. 

I got in my car and drove to Rosie's. It's not a long drive, I could walk but no thanks. When I got there I jumped out of my car and into the house filled with drunk people.

"Hey Haizly! Your favorite beer is in the kitchen!" Maya yells over the loud music. She's dancing with a random guy, his needy to be touching the damn girl.

I walk in the kitchen and sure as hell there were two huge Viniq bottles waiting for me. I grabbed the pink one and opened it, taking a huge chug of it.

"Tell me your sharing." I heard Caleb say from behind me. I hold up one finger and swallow the liquid.

"Hell no. Rosie and Maya got these shits for me." He laughs, his tongue going between his teeth. Caleb is very handsome, but he's a playboy. He fuck around with girls and breaks their heart, but of course he don't give a shit.

"Ayee Kayden is here!" I looked away from Caleb's eyes and look behind him. Sure as hell Kayden is standing there, looking at me shocked.

"You know him?" Caleb asks, venom in his voice. Caleb gets very jealous even though we're not together, we're just fucking.

Someone went up to Kayden and distracted him, breaking eye contact I look back at Caleb.

"No, c'mon let's go dance." He nods and we get out of the kitchen with both Viniq bottles. I swayed my hips to the rhythm of the music, Calebs hands on my hips pushing my against him.

The whole night me and Caleb drank, smoked, danced and played random games with everyone.

"Tell me! Where the fuck were you?" My father yells at my mother.

"I told you I was with your mom! She was helping me with some stuff!" My mom fires back.

"Bullshit! You were fucking someone I know it!" My dad yells. I look up at my father's angry face. Beads of sweat on his forehead.

"Daddy stop hitting mommy!" My little brother grips my father's legs and punching them.

"Stop touching me!" My father says grabbing my little brother by his shirt and throwing him aside.

"And don't fucking call me that I'm not your dad!" He yells. My mom puts me down on my feet and that's when it began, my father hit my mother.

"Haizly!" I heard Caleb's voice. I gasped and opened my eyes, seeing the worry and horrified expression on his face. "You okay? You were screaming." I try to control my breathing, my head dropping back to the pillow.

I can't believe I still have those nightmares. It's been years since that happened. I looked over at Caleb and told him I was okay, that they were just the usual nightmares.

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