Chapter 82

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I sat down on my bed. Ugh I missed my bed. I grabbed my computer and went through my e-mails.

"I took care of your job when you were in the shower." Caleb says coming in the room. "I said that you were out of the country for something important." I smiled. I put the computer away, since I had nothing to do on it.

"Thanks." I got on my knees and wrapped my arms around his neck. His hands were on my waist, going up and down in a seductive way. My lips found his, biting and sucking on them.

"fuck baby." He moans in my mouth. I smirk and grab his hand and put it in between my legs. I moaned and he started playing with me. "Do you want it?" He asks and I nod. "Lie down." I do as told and lie down, bringing the blankets up to my body. I felt the heat rise up in between my legs. Caleb started taking off his shirt then his jeans. He climbed on the bed and took off my shorts.

My hands went to his arms, whimpering. He looks at me and dips his head down. His mouth met the fabric of my panties.

"Caleb." I moaned. He took off my panties and I felt his hand touch me. "Caleb please." I cried.

"Already so wet for me." His finger went to touch my wetness and I moaned. My hips bucked up for his body on mine but his hand pushed me down. "Easy baby," I groan in frustration.

He grabs a condom from the drawer and puts it on himself. He groans and rubs himself on me. His lips connect with mine, and I gasped as he inserted himself in me.

My head fell on the pillow in pleasure, my whimpers mixing with his moans. He went even faster, the headboard was almost hitting the wall. I flipped us over, and I started riding him faster. His hands went to my hips to push me down even further. My head goes back as I moan, my eyes rolling back in pleasure.

"Fuck baby," I whimper as I started hitting my g-spot. I went down to connect our lips together.  He turns us around and went faster, hitting every good spot in me.

"C-Caleb," I said as I came. My chest was rising up and down, sweat was on his forehead. He seemed concentrated on working himself with his high. He then came, his body landing on mine. We stayed like that for while. We caught our breathing's then he slipped out of me.

He lied down next to me, pulling me to his chest. His fingers traced my tattoo on my wrist, making me shiver.

"I love you." He whispers.

"I love you." I smile and kiss his sweaty chest. He turned off his light and we both started drifting off to sleep. I need to remind him about the whole mafia thing. He said he would leave it for me. And I want him to.

When I woke up the next morning, the curtains were opened and I groaned as the light hit me. Why does the sun have to hit this way in the morning?! I yawned and stretched my arms out then got out of bed. My legs felt sore and I felt like I was going to fall with every step I took.

I picked up my clothes and walked in the bathroom, when I was walking down the hallway I saw Caleb making breakfast. I smiled and continued to walk to the bathroom. I did my business and brushed my teeth. I brushed them twice because of how grossed out I felt.

When I was done I walked in the kitchen and rested my elbow on the island and pressed my cheek on my palm. I was checking him out. His bare back, the way his muscles flexed, his jeans fitting perfectly on him.

He didn't seem to notice me and I liked it that way. I can just go up to him and kiss him gently. I decided on doing that. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his torso, kissing his back.

"Good morning." I mumbled into his back. I missed doing this every morning. He turns around and wraps his arms around me, a huge smile on his face.

"Good morning." He kisses my lips softly and slowly. I want to remind him about the whole mafia thing, but I know that if I do it might turn into an argument. And this is our second day back together.

He pulled his right arm from my waist to flip the pancakes.

"We should go grocery shopping, I really have nothing to eat here." I sighed as the memory when I was going to the store but ended up in a fucking van with Roberto. Speaking of Roberto. . .

"Hey what are gonna do with Roberto?" I asked looking at him with furrowed brows. He sighs and puts the pancake on the plate then putting butter on it.

"I am going to torture him." He smirks. In all honesty I wouldn't care. He put me through hell, and made me believe that Caleb didn't love me for a split second. I guess the good part was that Red was there to keep me company.

Oh my god, Red!

That kiss we shared. I really thought Caleb didn't love me, so I let him continue to kiss me. And now I feel guilty. I mean I didn't know that Red was going for that way, all I thought about the whole week was how bad I wanted to get out of there.

"Okay enough with this conversation." I said before I say what happened with the kiss. "After this can we go shopping." He nods and finishes up with the pancakes. We grab plates and forks before setting them on the table. We start eating in silence before he spoke up.

"When we get married--," my hear felt like it leaped and my breath caught, "--we should look for an even bigger house. Big so we can have our own children." I choked on the pancake and grabbed my orange juice. I took the whole thing into my mouth and swallowed.

"Kids? Y-you want kids?" I stuttered. He nods with a smile.

"Of course, I want little Haizly's and Caleb's running around." I shake my head.

"Children was never planned in my future list Caleb." He sighs.

"I know, but maybe if we have our own kids, you'd change your mind." I shake my head.

"No Caleb, we can't." I got off the stool and put my plate in the sink. Thinking about having children haunts me. I'm just scared and worried.

"Why Haizly?" He asks as he also gets up and puts his plate in the sink.

"Look we just can't. You know I don't like children." Right now I'm irritated. He knows I don't like or want kids. They're annoying and so needy. They have germs and are always screaming for no shit. Like that little shit that my aunt calls her child, he's an obnoxious little kid.

"Can you at least think about it?" I look at him, my eyebrows raised in annoyance.

"I don't even have to think about it." I start walking to my bedroom when Caleb's hand grabs my arm and makes me bump into his chest.

"Please." His lips went to my neck, kissing softly. I gently push him away.

"No," I say a bit too harshly. "I know you want kids so badly, and a perfect family, but I can't give you that Caleb. I'm not the type of girl who can give you everything." He grabs my wrists firmly but not tight.

"Baby, I have everything I need. You're all I need, and if you don't want kids right now--,"

"Never." I cut him off. He sighs deeply with his eyes closed.

"I know some day you're going to change your mind." I sighed and took my hands out of his grip.

"Maybe." Was all I said before going into my bedroom so I could change.

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