Chapter 7

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Kayden kisses my lips, his knee spreading my legs apart. Butterflies in my belly at his touch. His hands grip my sweats and throws them to the floor along with my panties. His hand goes under to feel me.

"So wet." He whispers to me. He brings his fingers to his mouth and licks them before throwing his jeans and boxers to the floor. He grabbed a condom from his nightstand and put it on himself.

He quickly enters me as I let out a loud gasp, feeling the pleasure I've been wanting. My hands dig on his back, my legs wrapping around his torso to bring him further in me.

He moves his hips up and down making me moan loud. His hand gripping my waist while the other rests on my thigh.

"Tell me when your gonna come." He says. My hands move up to his hair and tug at it, his groans filling the room with my moans. "You're so fucking tight." He says as he pounds in me harder.

I feel the pressure under my stomach building up. "I'm, coming." I gasped. He pulled out which made me frown. "Why did you stop?" I asked leaning on my elbows.

He goes under me and my eyes widened. His arms wrap around my legs as his head buried deep inside me. I let out a small gasp as his tongue swirls around the places I like it. I tug at his hair and heard him groan.

"Come baby." A shiver runs down my spine. Baby? Why would he call me baby? I like it, it feels good.

My hands grip the bedsheets as I felt my orgasm. I came in his mouth, his tongue still ticking around. He lets go of my legs and rests beside me. I think I should tease him now. I mean, he just did, that, to me. No one has ever done that to me before, when it feels fucking good.

I get on top of him and pull out the condom and tossing it to the floor. My lips kiss the tip of him and his legs flex. I smirk as I pull him in.

"Fuck Haiz." He grips my hair, too tight, but I don't care. My mouth goes up and down and the part that doesn't fit in my mouth I caress it with my small hands.

"Oh fuck! I'm coming." His salty warm liquid spills in my mouth and I tried not to gag as I swallow it all. He puts his hands under my pits and pulls me up to straddle his waist.

"Your fucking hot." He groans. I flush and hide my face with my hands. He pulls them away and kisses my forehead.

"You don't wanna go to school after what we did hu?" He asks smirking. I shook my head no and he nods. "Okay, we can stay here and enjoy the day." I nod and was about to get off of him but he stopped me and pulled me back on him.

"Do you have ice cream?" I asked. He chuckled and nodded. We got out of bed and in the kitchen.

"If you want the ice cream, go out on my t-shirt. Pick any, in the drawers, and don't put on your panties or bra." He demands. I like this Kayden better. He's more hotter like this than the sweet guy he is.

I go in his bedroom and grab a black t-shirt from his drawer. I took off my bra and pulled the shirt over my head, the shirt going down my thighs. I fix my hair and walk back in the kitchen to see Kayden and a big bucket of vanilla ice cream.

"Ugh I really wanted some." I say going over to him. I grab the ice cream and a spoon and eat the cold cream. Even if I had this yesterday, I know it will be gone today so might as well eat some before I crave this every time.

"My t-shirt looks hot on you." He says biting his lip. I blush and shove a spoonful of ice cream in my mouth. His hand goes to my cheek, making me look into his eyes. "And you're very beautiful." He says and smashes his lips to mine. His tongue plays with my lip ring which I ind very weird but nice at the same time.

Everything is weird and nice at the same time! He just makes it nice. My phone ringtone filled the quiet halls and I parted my lips from his. I got out of his hold and went over to the guest room.

A missed call from my mother. I sigh and put my phone on silent. I really want to be left alone, as in 'no mom drama' right now until I go to the house. But for now I wanna be with Kayden, he's more understanding and comforting. He doesn't know much about me but we're definitely comfortable with each other.

I walked back in the kitchen to see Kayden eating the ice cream. I sit down on the counter and pout at him.

"You know you can stay here for as long as you want, you know?" He asks, his brows knitting together as he licks the remainder of vanilla on his pink plump lips.

As much as I would like to stay, I couldn't. I wouldn't like to invade his privacy all the time. It would feel weird, I've never slept over at some guys house, have sex in the morning and skip school, then him telling me I could stay as long as I would like because of my messed up life back home.

I pull my lip ring between my teeth and sigh. His hand goes under my chin to make me look in his eyes.

"You don't have to, but I'm just saying, if you need anything or anyone, you know where to find me." He smiles a reassuring smile. I nod and grab the rest of the ice cream.

The whole day we ate and watched movies together. He would tell me how his father didn't know what enchiladas were. He and his sister love to sing. His mom is in love with cooking meals for everyone. She's learning how to bake as well, and Kayden wants to invite me to one of her dinners.

I would gladly say yes, but of course I would need my time with Kayden as well.

I walked in the house, it's awfully quiet and the only light is the lamp from the living room. I raise an eyebrow and walk in the dark kitchen, only to be met by a tall guy wearing all black and a metal bat in his right hand.

I gasped and ran out of the house, as fast as I could and wherever my feet would take me. Next thing I know is that I'm in front of Tristan's house.

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