Chapter 52

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"Come on it can take your mind off Caleb." Rosie said begging me.

"No, I'd rather stay here and eat my feelings." I poured and grabbed the bowl of ice cream she took away from me.

"Girl, if you don't get out of here your never going to find someone."

"That's the point. I don't want anyone else other than Caleb." I grab the spoon and put it in my mouth. This time I got cookies and cream.

"Please, we can go get your Viniq, you'll have a blast. Please." She pouts and puts her hands together on her chest. I groan and nod.

"Fine, but if I have a horrible night I will kill you." She puts her hands in surrender.

"Not my- I mean yeah, okay." She grins. I roll my eyes and go to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

After I did that Rosie already picked out an outfit. She got black high waisted shorts, a white crop top, my back leather jacket, and my black converse.

She did my hair in waves and did my makeup. I grabbed my phone and keys and we drove separate.

We got there and the familiar smell of cigarettes, weed, alcohol, and sweat hit my nostrils. I walked in the kitchen and grabbed one of the pink viniq bottles.

I went back to the living room and sat down on the couch.

Not much later into drinking my bottle someone pressed their hand on my shoulder.

"Why aren't you dancing?" A guy says. I noticed that I've danced with him when me and Caleb weren't dating. I smiled and got up.

I started dancing with him. My hand was in my hair while the other was holding the viniq bottle.

Rosie and Noah left me alone and said to 'find someone to get my mind off of Caleb' but I'd rather just drink.

"I need to use the bathroom!" I yelled over the music. He nodded and and went in the kitchen. I stumbled up stairs and in the bathroom.

The bathroom is filled with red cups and beers. It stinks and I feel like I'm going to puke.

After I used the restroom I went back downstairs. When I looked up from the floor I saw Caleb looking at me. I clear my throat and walk in the kitchen.

My viniq bottle was there waiting for me to drink it. I grabbed it and popped it opened.

"Hey." Caleb says from behind me. I turned around and smiled. Just a reminder I'm tipsy.

"H-hey." I took another sip. "Great job staying away from me." I smirked and took another sip. His eyes trailed to my lips before going back to my eyes.

"I didn't know you were coming." I shrug.

"I always come to these parties." I smiled and pushed past him but he stopped me by grabbing my arm. "You know, that's not going to help." I look down at my arm and his hand. He lets me go and I stand straight.

"I miss you." He says. I looked up at him confused.

"First you say you love me, then you say, no Haizly, get away from me. No I miss you." I threw my hands in the air. "I You love me or not?" I turned around and chugged the Viniq.

"Haizly, Come here." I turned around and raised an eyebrow. I need weed! That's what I need.

He goes over to me and cups my face before pressing his lips on my lips.I gasp but let him kiss me.

"I'm sorry." He said once he pulled away from me. I heard 'oohs' and I knew what they were playing.

"Beer pong!" I yelled and threw my hands in the air. Everyone cheered and I grabbed Calebs hand and bringing him over to the table. It was me and Caleb vs. Rosie and Maya. Their boyfriends were behind them cheering them on.

I threw the ball and it landed in one. Rosie drank it all and threw the cup on the table. Maya threw one in mine and I drank it all.

We kept goin and we all felt tipsy. I couldn't walk to the kitchen to get another beer because of drunk I am. I went outside to get fresh air because it's too hot in there.

"Enjoying the night?" Caleb says from behind me. I turn around and nod. I looked up at the moon and the stars.

"You look beautiful." He says out of nowhere. I looked at him and smiled.

"Thanks, even if I look a bit drunk and I'm sweaty." He chuckles.

"Yup, you've always been beautiful." I blush and look back at the sky.

"Come here." I walked over to him slowly as he grabbed my waist.

"Let's go somewhere else?"

"No, I'm enjoying the party."

"Your outside the party."

"I needed fresh air."

"Let's go to my place?" His place? He has a place already? He grabs my hand and puts it on his cock.

"This is what you cause." And indeed it was hard. I gasp and breathe heavily.

"Let's go." He smiles and grabs my hand and we go to his car. He drives off to his new place, which I'm still confused about because he just moved out like yesterday.

We finally got there and ran up the steps, I tripped on some but I regained my balance. His apartment is nice. It's so fancy though. He grabs my hips and pulled me to a room.

He pushed me against the wall and took off my shirt as we walked back to the bed and he threw me on it.

Both our clothes were thrown on the floor as he grabbed a condom and put it on.

He kissed my stomach and went up to my neck then my lips. I moaned as I felt his length between my thighs.

He pushed himself in me as I moaned. He grabbed a fistful of my hair and he kept pushing in me. My hands went up to his hair and I tugged at it.

He grunts and goes faster. My nails clawed at his back as he kept pushing in and out of me.

"Caleb!" I moaned.

"Cum baby." He kissed my neck. "Fuck you taste good." I giggle.

"I was sweating." He put my hands above my head as he kept going fast. "Caleb!" My back arches from the bed as I was cumming. He keeps his grip on my hands.

I missed him. I miss him so much, I never want to be apart from him anymore. We suck at this 'break' thing.

He cums and spills his cream in the condom. He gets off of me and lies down next to me.

"Please don't leave me." I whispered to him and looked to meet his eyes.

"I'm sorry baby." He grabs my waist and hugs me. His head is on my chest as we both cry softly.

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