Chapter 70

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"Hi Haizly." Fabian said coming over to me. I smiled and got up to hug him. I love my relationship with Fabian, he's like a dad to me.

"Hey Caleb." Fabian said going over to him. They bro hugged and he went to Hannah and Eric. Fabian hasn't really met Kayden. They're all awkward with each other. But at least Fabian still greets Kayden.

Carla glared at me throughout the whole dinner. Everyone made silly jokes and we all told each other funny stories about each other.

I had a pretty good time, other than almost ripping Carlas head off her body. I would gladly do that.

Me and Caleb got to my apartment and I sat down on the couch. Caleb went to the bathroom or my bedroom, I don't know where but I could hear him shuffling.

"Haizly could you come here for a sec?" Caleb asks. I groan and get up. Geez how can people walk in these things? But I do want to get used to them, they're really cute. I took off my heels and threw them by the door. When I made it to my bedroom, Caleb was smirking.

"What?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows. He got closer to me and put a hand on the small of my back while the other held a small wrapped up box.

"What's that?" I asked looking down at the gift then back at his eyes.

"Open it." He smiles softly.

"Caleb, I didn't get you anything for graduation." I stammer. He shakes his head then gives me the gift.

"Just open it baby." My insides turned into liquid by the nickname. This man can just call me babe, baby, or even princess and I will feel special and my heart will warm. This man has been changing me, and in all honesty, I don't like it.

I'm so used to being the bad ass. The girl with no emotion other than anger. And Caleb has been changing me. I don't want to change, and I should fight it.

I grabbed the box and opened it. A small box was there. I looked at him but notice he's on one knee. I gasped and he grabbed the small box from my hands.

"We've only been dating for three months, but before that, it felt like we've dated for a long time. I am so happy that I could finally call you mine instead of just "fuck buddies-," I chuckled. "-I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So Haizly Rose Vasquez, will you marry me?" My eyes teared up and his eyes shined with hope.

"Yes." I smiled. He smiled and got up, hugging me tightly. I kissed his lips with passion.

"God I love you." He groans.

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