Chapter 6

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Me and Kayden walked around the park for three hours talking, he was telling me that he got accepted to NYU for next spring. I'm happy for him, and turns out we're both going to the same place. I'm going to NYU to become an actress. We both graduate in three months, it's barely February.

"Um, would you mind if I slept over at yours? I'm not really in a mood to see my mom right now." I say, hoping he'll say yes.

"Of course." I smiled and we both walked to our cars, and me following behind. When we get there, I remember everything from when I was last here. He has an amazing place, a great view of the lake and trees outside.

"Um you could sleep in the guest room?" He says, scratching the back of his neck nervously. I blush and nod. I followed him as he was showing me his guest room. There's a bed in the middle of two big windows, a desk on my right, a dresser on the left side. The bedsheets are white with big fluffy pillows.

"Well I hope you feel comfortable here." He says smiling. "I'll be across if you need anything." He smiles and I nod. He leaves the room and I sit on the bed.

"You whore! If you keep getting out of this house with the kids you're dead!" My dad yells as he hits my mom over and over again.

"Daddy stop hitting mom!" My little brother cries. We were at the top of the stairs, my father and mother at the bottom arguing. My dad looked up at us through his lashes.

"I'm not you're fucking dad! Stop calling me that!" He seethed.

"Then stop hitting her! She doesn't have a fault." My older sister yells, tears running down her red cheeks.

"Daddy please! My mommy's hurt!" I yell. My dad stops and stares at me, walking up the stairs.

"You. Especially you! Don't call me that, I'm not your father! Your moms a whore and who knows who's daughter you really are!" He yells coming closer and closer.

"Go to the room!" My mom yells. Me and my brothers go in my sisters room and we lock ourselves. What does he mean? I'm way too young to know what this means.

"Haizly? Hey, it's just a dream." I heard Kayden's soft and sleepy voice. I pant and look up at him, his eyes filling with worry.

"I'm sorry I woke you." I sigh and rub my hand against my sweaty forehead.

"It's okay. Are you okay though? It sounded really bad." I face him and couldn't help but lean my head against his shoulder.

"Stay here with me." I slur as I fell back to sleep on his chest.

My alarm woke me up. I groan and hit the snooze button and turning to have an arm stop me. My eyes widened and I looked behind me. Kayden is sleeping next to me.

Oh my lord! He groaned and pulled me closer like if he were to lose something so important.

"Kayden." I tap his arm. His eyes opened and looked down at me. He smiles and lets go of me.

"Sorry." The way he said sorry. It's cute.

"We have to get ready." I said and got up, blushing as I still felt like his arms were around me. "Um I'm gonna, uh." I flush at the loss for words. Why am I being so shy?

"It's okay, use the bathroom. I have extra toothbrushes in the closet along with some towels if you wanna shower." I smile and nod, heading over to the bathroom.

The bathroom looks nice, a sink on my left side, a shower on the corner on the right, a big body sized mirror in the middle. White walls, brown squared floor, and the toilet in between the shower and sink along with the closet.

I opened the closet and pulled out a white with purple toothbrush. I brushed my teeth and pulled my hair in a messy bun.

I walked out and went in the kitchen to see a shirtless Kayden. Damn those back muscles! I bite my lip, pushing my lip ring and tasting the cold metal.

He turns around a catches me staring, making me blush as I turn my face another side.

"I'm making eggs, would you like some?" He asks, eyeing my face in admire.

"Yeah, Thanks." I smile and sit at the table, admiring his back more. I think I may be horny.

He turns around and smiles, setting my eggs in front of me. I thanked him as I started eating them.

"I feel bad for waking you in the middle of the night." I said honestly. I'm not even sure if I'm hearing myself right. I'm apologizing! I really am. I've never apologized, only if I run into an old lady-man or something like that.

"No it's okay. It sounded really bad, and I wanted to help. Stop feeling sorry, I would've helped." He smiles. Maybe if her were wearing a shirt I wouldn't be so distracted.

He caught me staring and he smiles. "You okay?" He asks. I nod and continue eating. I take a few glances at him, and admired him, yet again.

If I can get through this, I'll be okay. Stop staring at his back muscles and his abs, his perfect white teeth.

Could I possibly feel the tension between us? I'm horny as fuck and him having his shirt off isn't helping. At all. So when he catches me staring at him, he goes over to me.

"Like what you see?" Be breathes on my neck. A shiver runs down my spine, as his hand gently presses on my back. "Tell me, do you?" He asks again. His hot breath hitting my skin on my neck, my breathing has quickened.

"Y-yes." I say. He kisses my neck and moves up to my lips.

"Is it okay if I touch you?" He asks and without thinking I nodded. "Words Haizly." His voice is deep and husky.

"Yes." I breathed. He stood me up and smirked.

"Jump." He demands. I do as told and wrap my legs around his waist. His mouth is kissing my neck, my lips in between my teeth. We get to his bedroom and he sets me down on the bed.

I'm losing my mind. I can't think straight, and I've never felt like this before. Not with anyone. And for some reason I'm very shy with Kayden, and that's something new.

My mind is racing and my breathing is heavy. I wonder if he's doing this because I'm an easy person to get to, or because he would actually like me. As in like a 'dating' way. I'm talking none sense and I need to stop overthinking things.

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