Chapter 77

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I punched the bag one more time before leaning my head on it. My sweat was dripping down my neck to my back to the floor. I pulled away from the bag, taking off my gloves. I throw them aside and run a hand through my sweaty hair.

"Sir, your sister Hannah and Eric are here." Snyder says coming in the room. His hand was pressing his earpiece and I nodded. He walks away and I stand to go to the change room. I took a quick shower before putting on a black suit. I let my hair dry then walk out of the steamy room.

I walked downstairs, seeing Hannah and Eric standing by the door and talking.

"Hello sister, Eric." I nodded to them. I hugged Hannah and shook Eric's hand. "What are you guys doing here?" I furrow my brows then look at Eric. "Actually you should be training, why aren't you?" I asked him. He gulps and looks at Hannah. "Is there something wrong?" Why do I get a feeling there is? And why do I feel like this isn't going to end well?

"Caleb. . ." Hannah starts but pauses. Her hands were entwined and her bottom lip was in between her teeth. "I. . ." I raise an eyebrow, but when I do that it only makes her more nervous.

"What the fuck is going on?" I bark. They both flinch and Eric pulls her to him.

"I'm pregnant." The air was knocked out of me. My blood was boiling, and I wanted to punch Eric.

"You're what?" I seethed. They stared at me in fear, Hannah looked like she was about to cry. I can't fucking believe this. My little sister pregnant? The world must be playing some kind of sick joke on me, she can't be!

"Caleb, I know this sounds wrong, but Eric and I love each other an-," I cut her off, raising a hand.

"You're sixteen!" I yell.

"I know, but just hear me out. Eric and I will buy a house for the both of us, we're going to be responsible for this." I shake my head and bite my tongue. I bite it hard so I won't tell her how bad of an idea this is. She's so little, and has a future ahead of her.

I'm going to kill E-.

"Caleb, please just trust us." I took in a deep breath and let it out. I ran a hand through my hair, looking at the both of them.

"Fine, fine. But if I hear some nonsense about the two of you, I will kill you two. Especially you." I point to Eric. He shrugs and smirks. "Does mum know?" She shakes her head. "Who knows?"

"Just you." So she told me first. "I told you first because I knew you'd understand." I walked over to her, hugging her.

"Take care of this baby well Hannah, it isn't going to be your old hamster." She swats my arm and scoffs. "I'm just kidding." I laugh, making er smile.

"And you, you better take care of them both." I kissed her forehead before she walked over to Eric.

"Always." he looks down a her, the both of them looking really in love.

"Now get the hell out of here, this isn't a place for you Hannah." She nods before giving Eric a kiss and giving me a hug. I looked at Eric once Hannah left, a serious face plastered on my face.

"Get to work Jellybean." He furrows his brows.

"Jellybean?" He asks following me to my office.

"Yeah that's your new nickname, since you got my sister pregnant." He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "Now get to training, I'm going to work on the shipping." He nods and walks out. Sighing, I look at the papers and count the new money.

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