Chapter 20

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"What?" I searched his features and he looks ashamed. My brows crease. I can't believe this. Karmen looks like she would never do that! She's so nice and caring of other people. She wouldn't hurt anyone.

"Yeah, she and Kayden's mother have feelings for each other." I looked back at his eyes and then see anger. Angry Caleb is never good.

"What about Fabian?" I asked. I'm really shocked, and I wasn't expecting this. Karmen looks really happy with Fabian and looks like she's deeply in love with him.

"He still loves her, but they both know they're not right for each other." Caleb bows his head and slumped his shoulders.

"I'm so sorry Caleb. Why haven't you told me? I could've helped you through this." He shakes his head.

"It's embarrassing Haizly!" Caleb yells. "It's embarrassing that my mother cheated! I don't care if she's lesbian or whatever the fuck she is, but everyone called my mother a whore, a slut, a hoe." He gets up from the bed. "She was strong through all of this shit. And now people won't even look at us." My brows crease together and I look up to meet his eyes.

"Just because of the cheating?" I asked. This is unbelievable, how could people do this. It's not like their parents or themselves have never fucking cheated.

"No." He mutters. Right then his phone rang in his pocket as he answered. "What?" His mood changed suddenly and his tone. He sounds aggressive. "Right now?" He sighs and scratches the back of his neck. "I'll be there." He hangs up the phone and looks over at me.

"What?" I asked. Mark took a deep breath in and let it out.

"I have to go to work, they just called me in." I nodded sadly. "I'll try to be back early though." I smile and flush. I get up from his bed and and looked in the eyes.

"Your mood changed very quick." I giggled. We walked in the kitchen and I sat on the stool.

"Well I was gonna have you, but they decided to call which made me angry." I blushed and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Could you give me some in a plate please?" I grin up at him. He nods and fills the plate.

"Ugh Thanks!" I shoved a forkful of it in my mouth.

"I'll be back." I nodded. He kissed my forehead which caught us both by surprise. He left and I got stuck with homework.

There's nothing to do here when you're alone. I'm usually with Caleb all the time and we do random ass shit. But he's working and I'm.. doing homework.

My phone buzzed again on the counter and I grabbed it.

Let's go get ice cream ;)

Right now?

Yes right now! Since wen do you question on getting ice cream?

I don't know, I guess we could meet up at Dairy Queen?


I finish up my meal and throw on some leggings, an oversized hoodie, black vans, and put my hair in a ponytail.

I'll shower when I get back. I grabbed my keys and my phone and the application then headed out. I got in my car and drove off the Dairy Queen.

I saw Kayden sitting down at a booth with chocolate ice cream. I sat down across from him.

"Hey." He smiles.

"Hi." I return the smile and right then the lady came and gave me a vanilla ice cream. I look at Kayden and saw him smirk.

"You didn't have to."

"No, no, it's okay. I'm inviting you." I smile and thank him. I bring my leg to my chest and eat my ice cream comfortably.

I keep catching Kayden stare at me, his little smile playing on his lips. My cheeks flush as I looked down at my ice cream.

"You know, your turning soft." I glanced up at him I confusion.

"I hope not. I'm better being evil." He laughs and shakes his head.

"No, you're cute when you're all shy." I bow my head down blushing. "See your blushing right now." I swat his arm and hide my face with my sleeve.

"Okay, Okay." I giggle. "Let's eat our ice cream." I grab my spoon but the ice cream fell on my lap. I gasped and grabbed a napkin and cleaned it up.

"Oh my god!" Kayden laughs. I glare up at him and clean the rest of the cream on my lap. "Your face!" I kick him under the table which makes him laugh even harder. His head falls back in laughter while I'm a blushing mess.

My phone buzzed on the table but I didn't feel like checking it. It's probably a notification for who the hell followed me on Instagram.

After Kayden's laughter died down we ate the rest of our ice cream then left and went to the beach. It's cold but I don't care.

"Have you heard the rumors going on at school?" Kayden asks pushing the sand with his bare feet. I looked up at him confused. "They keep saying that you and Caleb are dating, pregnant, and now living together." I laugh.

"That's what people are saying?" I laugh again and Kayden nods. "Oh my god, people are so interested in our lives then." He chuckles.

"I didn't believe them, I knew you couldn't have gotten pregnant by him." I looked up at him and my shoulders stiffened. I don't want to ask him why not Caleb, but I know it's gonna turn into an argument and I don't wanna do that right now, the day is beautiful. The sun is setting and the small waves splash my feet.

We walked around until it got really cold and rained again. We're at the store looking for coloring books and colors.

I let him keep them but next time I'm keeping them! We walked out the store and drove to his house. I opened my coloring book and grabbed his colors. I picked a design coloring one, while he picked a spongebob one.

"First, why in hell did you get a spongebob one?" I asked giggling. He stuck out his tongue and I did the same.

"Because I felt like coloring a yellow box." He shrugged his shoulders and went back to coloring his book.

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