Chapter 49

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We finally made it back home. It felt like sick a long flight coming back from Canada. It snowed the last week which was awesome and freezing cold.

Me and Hannah were out most of the time. Not shopping, just outside enjoying the snow.

Caleb has been distant with me. I don't know why. It hurts to even think about him breaking up with me. I don't want to, I'll be broken.

I opened the door to my bedroom and put my luggage's on the floor. "Hey Haiz, can we talk?" Caleb asks standing by my doorframe.

"S-Sure." I stuttered. What does he need to talk about? My heart is pounding in my chest.

"We need to take a break." My heart dropped. My eyes teared up and all I think about doing is slapping him.

"Why?" He sighs and bows his head. It was silent for a moment before he spoke again.

"I'm not safe." He lowly says. "I'm a Mafia Leader for Christ's sake! Other Mafia Leaders will know who you are because of me and that will get you killed. I don't want anything bad happening to you Haizly!" I get up from the bed and put my hands on my face.

"I don't care Caleb, I want to be with you!" I cry. My chest hurts badly. He groans and tugs at his hair.

"I want to be with you too Haiz, but I need you to be safe."

"Caleb I am safe! Your the only person that makes me feel safe! You've always protected me from my nightmares, my fucked up family, people at school. I need you." He goes over to me and cups my face.

"I'm sorry Haizly. We need this. We need space from each other." He kisses my lips. "You can keep the apartment, I already called the landlord and he said he'll be here so that you could sign the lease." He parts away from me and sighs.

"I love you Haizly." He walks out of my bedroom and walked in his. I lied down on my bed and cried.

I don't want him to leave. I need him. What am I going to do now? It's like he's the only person who helps me get my life together. He helps me through everything.

An hour later I heard the door close. I got up and went in his bedroom. Everything is gone. All his clothes, shoes, his hats. It looks strange to see this room so... clear.

The bed sheets are still on the bed but without him and his stuff, it's... nothing.

I grabbed my phone from my back pocket and texted Kayden to come with ice cream.

I grabbed a blanket and went to the living room to watch Coco. Kayden comes running in the door with a lot of bags from King Soopers. I looked at him confused.

"I just said ice cream, but I guess this junk will help." I tried putting a smile on.

"What's wrong?" He asked and sat down on the couch next to me.

"Caleb and I broke up." He sighs and gets closer to me.

"Again?" I flare up at him. "I mean, really? I'm sorry." He puts his arm around my shoulders. I sigh and lean into him.

"I didn't want things to end between us." I sobbed.

"I know." He rubbed my back and let me cry on his chest. "You know what you need?" I hummed. "You need to break something."

"Calebs face?" He laughs.

"I wish."

"Me too."

"No, let's go somewhere. Oh, we could go to your dads house and break everything. Oh and we can even pull pranks on them." I squeal and get up.

"I'm in!" I run into my bedroom and put on my shoes and grab my phone and keys.

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