Chapter 78

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I showered and put on some pajamas. I grabbed my phone and red through my unread messages.

Come over tomorrow after work! We're going to have a small dinner. It was my mum. I miss seeing them, and I of course will go.

Sure. Was all I replied.


I paced back and forth in front of Kayden's apartment, debating wether to kick it down or just knock like a normal person would. Sighing and deciding that I should knock instead, I did. I wouldn't want to pay for his door.

The door opened revealing Kayden in just sweats. "What do you want?" he asks, annoyance in his voice. I raise an eyebrow and walk in, making sure to bump my shoulder with his.

"Just came here to kick your ass." He scoffs.

"Please. What do you want?" He asks again.

"You hurt Haizly's feelings." His arms cross on his chest, and I couldn't help but feel annoyed that he opened the door like that.

"You hurt her feelings too. I wouldn't be talking if I were you." He uncrosses his arms and walks in the kitchen. Me following behind as I continue to talk.

"I know, and I feel horrible about it. But she was screaming at me because of you! She left me because you called her a murder, she put all the blame on me." He slams his fridge door and turns around to face me. I felt dizzy when he did that, it was too fast.

"Good! You're the one who put her through that. You're the one who brought all this shit in her life. She was just a bad girl, not a mafia girl. She didn't need that Caleb!" He yells. His face was red like a tomato and his veins were popping out in his forehead.

"I know that! I fucking know that. But you're also the reason she left me. You made her realize that she doesn't belong with me." He laughs.

"I had nothing to do with this. All I said was that she was changing because of you." I raise both my eyebrows.

"You see, it was all your fault. You put that in her head." I said pointing to my head. His chest was rising and falling, and he just looked out the window.

"She left you?" He asks all of a sudden. I run a hand through my hair and nodded. "I didn't know I would cause that." I almost think he's sorry.

"Well you did." He glares at me.

"But this isn't all on me Caleb, your stupid mafia shit was the problem. If she hadn't killed whoever the man was, then we all still could've been together." He has a point. And I hate that I'm agreeing with him. Haizly wouldn't have left me if it weren't for the stupid shit I'm doing. I told her that I would drop all that shit for her, only for her. And I still would, I need her with me.

"Help me." I whispered. I need you to help me get her back." He blows out a breath and nods.

"Fine, only because I miss her." I glared at him. "What? She's my friend." He shrugs.

"No, she's mine." He looks at me with an 'are you serious' face.

"You're not going all possessive and shit, are you?" He says. I just scoffed and rolled my eyes.


I flinched as my fists connected with the bag. I didn't care though, I needed to get my anger out. All of it. I imagine Kayden and Caleb on the bag and punch even harder. I hate them both, they can suck a cock.

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