Chapter 15

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"Um, is Caleb here?" I asked. She rolled her eyes and left to, I don't know where.

"Jeez what a fucking bitch." I mumble to myself as I close the door behind me. I walked in and was amazed. The living room is on my left side, with red leather couches, a glass table in the middle with a white fluffy rug, a lamp by the door, another small red arm couch sideways from the other, and a huge window with a great view of the city.

I walked further in and on my right was the kitchen. Brown cabinets and grey marble counters, the stove is electrical, an island table with the sink in it, along with some cabinets at the bottom and the long stools on the other side.

"Hey." I heard Caleb say from behind. I raise an eyebrow and give him the fakest smile.

"What's up?" My lips press into a thin line, the girl coming in the kitchen and wrapping her arms around Calebs waist. I look down at her and he noticed.

"Oh this is Christina. She's my girl friend." My chest is starting to hurt from seeing them both in front of me, all lovey dovey. Fuck why did I choose Caleb?

Why the hell did I even agree to this? When the hell did she appear? Fucking little slut!

"Oh, hi." She smiles and puts her hand out so I could shake. I nod my head and walk around them and out the door.

I get in my car and drive to the nearest store. I hop out and go into Target, looking for the ice cream section.

"Haizly!" I heard a very familiar voice. I turned around and saw Kayden running to me. Great! Can this day get any fucking worse?

"What do you want Kayden?" I asked harshly. He seems to be taken aback.

"I just needed to talk to you. Can we talk?" He asks scratching the back of his neck. I sigh and nod.

"I'm going to the ice cream section, follow." I demand more than say. He nods and smiles.

"Your still in that vanilla phase? I remember you ate my vanilla ice cream in was than an hour, and it was huge." We both laugh.

"That girl you saw me with wasn't my girlfriend. She's my ex, there's still this feeling for her but I promise I didn't mean to hurt you. I just couldn't control myself, but then seeing you run from me, I was broken. I don't even know how to explain myself." I opened the freezer and got the ice cream bucket and turned to face Kayden. He's looks hurt, his eyes are red and his knuckles are bloody.

"You look good, where you going?" He smirks. I furrow my brows. I completely forgot about this dress.

"No I went to a club last night with Caleb and we stayed at his parents house and then I went home and packed but didn't change." I grab the end of my dress and pull it to the side.

"What happened?" I asked indicating to his bruised hand.

"I got in a fight with this guy at Christians party last night." Christian had a party last night? I was so distracted by the stupid homework those fucked up teachers made me do. And then me and the gang went to a club.

I'm still wondering why Caleb, Austin, and Noah act weird around Jacob. And how the hell did Caleb get a bitch right after having sex with me?

"Does it hurt? It looks really bad." He laughs.

"You sound weird when your worried. You're always the badass that doesn't give a fuck to what happens to anyone." I shrug.

"I don't care, I was just asking if it hurt." He smiles and follows me to where the chips are.

"Are you having a movie night?" He asks. He looks adorable when his brows crease together.

"Yeah, I moved in with Caleb today and I just wanted to be in that room I haven't seen yet." I chuckled. "And he has a girlfriend so he won't mind me staying up all night and watching Shameless." He laughs.

"Mind if I join?" I raise my brows. Caleb wouldn't like to hear that! The little asshole is a hater! Maybe I shouldn't be talking, I'm a hater too.

"Caleb wouldn't like that. He has something against you." I smile.

I still don't know why Caleb got so bothered when I talked to Kayden. Why have something against him? Kayden's a nice guy....I think.

"So about the date yesterday, could I take you on one tomorrow night?" I smile and nod. Kayden could take my mind off things. As in Caleb and his new toy.

"Sure, um I'll send you the address." He nods.

"Okay, I have to go. Bye." He kisses my forehead and gets me by surprise. I payed for my stuff and got back to Calebs apartment.

"Hey why'd you leave like that?" Caleb asks coming up to me.

"Oh I just remembered I had coupons for all this so I just ran to get them." I said the last part slowly, licking my lips. His eyes travel down to them, biting his.

"Caleb, I'm hungry." The little whore says walking out of his bedroom. She looks down at my bag. "Omg you bought food?" She grabs the bag from my hand I glare at Caleb.

He knows I don't share.

"Hey that's Haizly's, she doesn't like sharing." The girl pouts.

"Oh c'mon, I'm hungry." I sigh.

"Just have it, leave some ice cream for me." Caleb looks down at me and I nod.

"Are your suitcases in your car?" I nod tiredly. "I'll go get them." I thanked him before he showed me the room I'm staying in.

Well, this is weird. I moved in with my friend, his girlfriend is such a whore, I'm going on a date with Kayden tomorrow. Would Caleb even mind? I don't even know why Mark has something against Kayden.

I sigh and sit on the edge of my bed. What have I done? The door opens and Caleb walks in with both my suitcases.

"Thanks." I say as I grab one and look for some pajamas. I found some shorts and a blue t-shirt that goes down to my thighs.

I pull my dress over my head and take it off and putting on the shirt. I put on my shorts and look up at Caleb, forgetting that he was in the room.

"Um, you should get back to your who-I mean girlfriend." I give him an innocent smile, which he returns with his tongue in between his teeth.

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