Chapter 67

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He pushed himself in me. Both of us moaning in pleassure. He grabbed my leg and put it over his shoulder. This is new. I felt my knee hit my chest as he kept going fast.

My hands went to his hair and tugged at it. He looks so perfect. His lips parted and his eyes screw shut. I'm glad he's all mine.

"Caleb!" I moaned. He stopped and stared down at me.

"What?" He asks, his voice is deep and dark. Fuck he's perfect.

"Daddy!" He groans and I'm sure he could cum if I say that over and over. He picked up his speed and groaned my name. I let out a loud moan when he hit my g-spot.

"Daddy. I'm- I'm cumming." I yelled. He went faster and deeper. I felt the knot in mt stomach build up and I came. He pushed in and out of me a couple times before he came to.

He landed beside me, both our chests rising up and down. I turned to face him.

"I missed doing that with you." He smiles and kisses my lips. "I got tired." He chuckled lowly. His eyes are red and his face looks like he's ready to sleep. I kissed his cheek before getting up and grabbing my clothes and a towel to shower.

An hour later, Caleb is still asleep and Kayden called saying he was coming over wifh food. I couldn't let him down- okay the food down. I'm hungry and I was thinking that maybe when Caleb wakes up we could go somewhere but he's sound asleep.

I heard a knock on the door and I knew it was Kayden. I knew Caleb wasn't going to be happy about seeing Kayden here, but he's my best friend and his steph-bekther.

But now that I think about it, I slept with Kayden once. Oh my goodness I'm such a skank! I feel disgusted with myself. Why couldn't I have just lost my virginity to one person. That person being Caleb. Since he was my first and I hope I was his first too.

I opened the door to see Kayden with a grin and a bag of food. I smiled and stepped aside to let him in.

"I brought your favorites." He says going to the kitchen and me following close behind.

"And that would be cookies and ice cream?" I asked with a smirk on my lips. I leaned on the island and he nods.

"Exactly." He chuckles.

"Ugh, that's my bitch." I groan and high five him.

"Did you just call me your bitch?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows and putting a hand over his heart. I nod with a grin.

"I am not your bitch. I'm your hoe!" He says loudly. We burt into a pit laughter.

"Oh my god, that was funny as hell." He blushes while I try to catch up with my breathing.

"Where's Caleb?" He asks as he took out the things from the bags.

"He's alseep in my bedroom. So we should probably quiet down." He nods. The door opened and closed, heals and heavy footsteps coming in the kitchen.

"What is up bitches? I'm back!" I looked up to see Eric and Hannah. I try to stiffle a laugh, which worked.

"What're you guys doing here?" I asked going over to them.

"I just wanted to see my brother-in-law." I furrowed my brows as I looked at Hannah, who was blushing like crazy.

"What?" I asked. "Does he know about you two?" I asked pointing to the both of them.

"No." Hannah swats Erics chest and glaring at him. Eric laughs and pulls Hannah closer to him.

"What the hell is going on?" Caleb asks walking out of my bedroom rubbing his eyes and his hair ruffled.

We all chuckled and Caleb made his way over to me.

"What are you guys doing here?" He asks looking at Hannah and Eric.

"Nice to see you too." Eric chuckles while slapping Caleb's shoulder. Caleb punches his arm before going around the island and getting a bowl.

"It's not that I didn't want you guys here, just asking why you're here." Caleb asks shrugging and pouring cereal in the bowl. "Aren't you tired? We saw each other last night before leaving." Eric laughs.

"You thought I went home?" His voice squeaks. Caleb looks at him through his lashes and puts a spoonful of cereal in his mouth.

"Yuh." He said slurring the word. Me and Kayden look at each other awkwardly. His eyes are screaming for me to do something.

"Uh, me and Kayden are going to the living room." I nod my head over to the living room.

"Why?" Caleb asks. "Why don't you guys stay here and chill with us?" He furrows his eyebrows.

"Because me and Kayden had plans." Caleb sighs and nods. "C'mon Hannah." We all went to the living room and sat down on the big couch. We put on a movie, that Hannah says we'll like it. But I'm not really paying attention to it, I'm listening to Caleb's and Eric's conversation.

"Yeah bro, I was thinking on doing it after we graduate. What place would you suggest?" Caleb asks. It's like he's trying to lower his voice but it's hard because of his deep ass voice.

"I'm thinking Paris." Eric replied back. Caleb sighs and chuckles.

"Paris? Really?"

"Well, it's somehwere romantic." Eric squeaks. I wonder what they're talking about. I got nudged on my rib my Hannah telling me to keep my eyes on the TV because her favorite part is coming on.

After everyone left, Caleb and I sat down on the couch sighing. My head rested on his shoulder and his arm went around my waist.

"What were you and Eric talking about?" I asked looking up at him. He furrows his eyebrows and shakes his head.

"Nothing, why?" I sigh and lay my head on his chest. He smells so good. "Busy smelling me instead of replying?" He asks laughing. I blush and sit up.

"You smell good." He pushes me back on the couch and hovers over me. His knee separating my legs so he could be in between.

"Eavesdropping isn't a good thing to do." He says, trailing wet kisses on my neck. A moan escaped my lips as he presses his length to where I needed him the most.

"Caleb don't tease." I moaned. He chuckled and got off of me.

"Don't be a bad girl." He says laughing. I frown and glare at him. Teasing motherfucker.

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