Chapter 74

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Caleb was asleep when I grabbed his phone out of his pocket. I unlocked it and looked at his contacts. I found the random number I had on my phone and clicked on it. I locked myself in the bathroom.

"Hello Caleb, glad to know your calling." He chuckles.

"It's not Caleb." I said. He hummed and I heard shuffling on the other end.

"Oh Haizly, to what do I owe this pleasure." It was more of a statement. I sighed and hoped I was making the right decision.

I know Caleb will be angry, but this man is getting on my fucking nerves.

"What do you want from me?" I asked in a low voice so Caleb won't hear me.

"Hm, what every gang leader wants. I want to destroy your husband." I roll my eyes and sigh.

"Where can we meet? I'd rather go with you then be here." He laughs.

"Your not setting me up are you?"

"No, I'm not. I just don't wanna be here, it was a mistake marrying Caleb." I take slow deep breathes in hope that he would accept to meet.

"Fine, come alone to the abandoned jail in Adelaide street tomorrow at 8 pm." Where Caleb and his gang faught?

"Okay, I'll be there." I sighed.

"Good night babe." I scrunch up my nose and delete his contact. I feel uneasy but this is best for us to keep him away.

"Haizly." Caleb knocked on the door. I gasped and flushed the toilet.

"What?" I asked as I opened the door.

"What are you doing with my phone?" He asks looking down at it. I clear my throat and hand it back to him.

"I was playing games." I shrugged and walked out of the bathroom.

"Why on my phone?" He asks.

"Hm, because you broke mine." I retort. I jump on the bed and motion for him to come.

"I'll get you a new one tomorrow." He hovers over me. "I also have another meeting tomorrow so you stay here. Understood?" I nod. He looked at my eyes then my lips. He leaned in and our lips moved it sync.

"Guess what." I chuckled.

"Hm?" He kisses my neck.

"I'm on my period." I whispered to him. He didn't move or do anything, I'd expect him to move away from me because it disgusts him. But he stayed on top of me while kissing my neck.

Tomorrow night

I made sure Caleb left the parking lot. I sighed and grabbed two pistols, a bat, and a knife. I grabbed my keys and walked out and got in my car.

I drove to Adeline street and waited until I saw a car pull up next to me. I got out and saw a tall man with a beard, brown hair with grey hairs sticking out, and he's wearing a grey suit.

"Hello Haizly." He smiles and walked over to me. "Nice to finally meet you." He chuckles and grabs my hand to kiss it.

"Hello Alessandro, how have you been?" I asked smiling. He took my hand in his. Gross. Stay calm Haizly, don't cut off his head yet.

"I've been great, now that I finally have you." I let out a low chuckle and get close to him.

"I've been wanting to see you for a while now." My breath fanned his lips and he smiled. He hummed and pressed his lips on mine. He's not a good kisser.

I grabbed the bat from behind me when we leaned on the car. I smirked and hit his balls. He groans and falls to the floor.

"You fucking bitch!" He groans and holds his private.

"No, your the bitch!" I hit him on the arm with the bat and he yelled. "Leave me and my husband alone." I hit his other arm and then his leg.

"Just wait until I have my hands wrapped around your n-," I hit him again, this time on the head. I grabbed my gun with my shaky hands.

I've used a gun before, killed people before, for mine and Caleb's safety. I do this and he won't ever come across Caleb and I. I need to do this.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before pulling the trigger.

I opened my eyes and saw him laying in a pool of blood. I gasped and dropped the gun.

I stood there in complete shock. What really surprised me was that he didn't bring any back-up. Every mafia man does. Maybe not Caleb, but as far as I know, they bring men with them.

I crouched down to look at his face. It looked disgusting and I felt like vomiting.

I got up and grabbed the gun. I looked at my blood stained clothes and cringed. I got in my truck and drove off. I got in the apartment and went in my bedroom to see Caleb with a clenched jaw.

"What have I said about leaving the house?" He roars and I flinch.

"I-I'm sorry. I had to do something." He looks at me and comes closer.

"And that is?" He asks, his eyes looking deeply into my soul. He looks at my clothes, his eyes softening. "Who's blood is that?" He whispers.

"Caleb, I... I k-killed Alessandro." His eyes go wide with shock. My eyes tear up again. I never thought in my life that I would kill someone. I'm evil but killing never crossed my mind.

"Are you serious?" He asks. I nodded slowly, bowing my head. He sighs.

"That still doesn't make this right. You disobeyed my rules."

"I know and I'm sorry, I thought that this was for the best." I cried. He shook his head.

"No, you could've been killed!" His veins pop out of his neck. "Haizly I want you safe!" His voice cracks.

"I'm sorry." He shakes his head.

"I need some time." He goes around me and leaves the apartment with a slam on the door. I sob and sit down on the bed.

He should be thanking me. I just hope he returns soon, and I don't want to be in this fight for long.

I had to do the right thing. Alessandro would've killed Caleb and kidnapped me. I let some tears fall. I wondered where Caleb went before I fell asleep.


It's been a week and Caleb still hasn't talked to me. He can't even be in the same room as me. He sometimes sleeps in my room but he usually sleeps on the couch. I've tried so many times to talk to him but he just shuts me out.

It kills me! I want to touch him and kiss him. But he's being a stubborn asshole.

If I look at him, he will glare at me. I don't think us being engaged is a good thing. Only if he keeps acting this way.

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