Chapter 11

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I looked in every store. Caleb was behind me whining because I was running too fast or "when are we leaving this store" because it's "too fancy" for people like us.

But finally we left and we're now at his house. I was gonna get a really cute leather jacket but Caleb just grabbed my hand pulled me out the store. Maybe I can go some other time.

"Haizly your food is ready!" I grinned as I got up the couch.

"Ugh Thanks." I said and ate my noodles. I made Caleb make me food because of how whiny he was at the mall. He obeyed and I finally feel good.

"You asshole." I mutter under my breath. He turned around and gasped, putting a hand over his heart.

"That hurt." I roll my eyes and start laughing. I like how he doesn't take things so seriously. If I ever said that to any other guy, jeez we would start a fight.

"Okay," Caleb  says putting his plate down on the table and sitting down. "Is it good? I think I put less water." His brows crease together in worry. It makes me melt in the inside.

"No it's good. Thanks." I take another spoonful of it and shove it in my mouth.

"So my mom is making my sister pick between a dog or a cat; which would you get?" He asks pointing the spoon at me while looking at me intensely.

"Obviously a dog! I mean who the fuck likes cats?" I giggle.

"Your right. I guess you should tell Hannah that." He chuckles.

"Tell me what?" His younger sister asks as she steps in the kitchen. Calebs eyes widened and turned to look at me. I know this look; ugh the devil herself is here, look.

"You should pick a dog. Dogs are way cuter." I said. She turns around and smiles at me.

"I guess you're right. That cat my friend has is an evil bi-,"

"Language!" We heard Calebs mom exclaim from the living room. She enters and looks at her daughter. "Don't say those things in front of your father." She hisses.

"Dad isn't even here." Right then her father comes in glaring at her. I'm trying to hold in my laughter. But it's so hard!

Me and Caleb burst into laughter. "Oh lord should've seen your face!" Caleb laughs clutching his stomach. I can't help it! That was funny, the way her face expression changed once her father came in the kitchen.

"And as for you two, why did you guys ditch school." We stopped laughing and looked at her. Is she talking to me too?

"Haizly got her period so she told me to take her to the store to get plugs and she had really bad cramps so we stayed home and ate ice cream." Caleb says in one breath. I felt amused but embarrassed at the same time.

"Oh, well in that case, what good boy you are." His mother cooed at him. He blushed and shakes his head.

"Come on let's go upstairs." He grabs his plate and I kissed Karmen before going upstairs with Caleb.

"They are called Tampons not plugs." I correct him once were in his room.

"It's the same thing, you all knew what I was talking about." I shrug and nodded.

Caleb told me a couple of times that he loves Fabian but he doesn't know how to show it. He's a bad person, Caleb, and he can't help but feel jealous for his younger sister. She has this perfect life. Both her parents, none of them are alcoholics, no drugs, no screaming just arguing.

I'm kinda jealous too. I never had a good childhood life. She's nearly sixteen, well about to turn seventeen in two days. Me and Caleb are graduating high school in three months which is very stressful.

I wish I could go back so I can live free again. But then again, my life wasn't so good back then.

"Earth to Haizly." Caleb snaps his fingers on my face. I look at him and see him smiling. "What were you thinking of?" He asks, his British accent sounding husky.

"Nothing." I put the spoon in my mouth, realizing that the noodles fell. He laughs hard.

"Oh goodness you should've seen your face." He does the face that I 'supposedly' made. I roll my eyes and scoff.

"Fuck you." I swat his arm.

I groaned and rubbed my eyes. Why the fuck did we sleep at four in the morning? He was literally bragging about how he and his sister were getting ready and she wore this ugly green dress for their grandmas birthday party.

I'm sure it was ugly, Hannah doesn't always have good taste in fashion. But who am I to talk? All I wear is jeans and a leather jacket.

My mind takes me back to when Calebs lips were on mine. His fingers tracing my hips while mine traces his jawline. The way his tongue would brush over mine, the way my hands moved to his hair.

"Tell me your thinking of the kiss last night." Caleb says from the floor. I smile and lean down.

"No, I was thinking about the way ice cream tasted. Vanilla ice cream, ah, sounds good right now." I smile. He laughs, his tongue between his teeth.

"You have an obsession." I roll my eyes and scoff. Ice cream is better than the drugs we fucking use. Our drug dealer is his cousin, who by the way, is a piece of shit. His weed doesn't work!

I lied down on my back and stared at the ceiling. I heard him take the blanket off him as he got up and lied down next to me.

"I still don't understand why you wouldn't let me sleep with you, we've had sex so many times." I gasp and flush. "Aw, you're blushing. You rarely blush." I hide my face with my hands.

"Okay Okay Stop." I sit up, "now get the hell up, I'm hungry."

We walked out of his house and in his car. He said he was taking me to Jenny's Cafe that's down town, and I feel like I'm gonna lose it! He knows me too damn well.

I got pancakes with eggs and sausage. Caleb  got a hamburger with fries. I looked over my shoulder and saw an older guy wink at me. I grew uncomfortable and angry.

"Fucking asshole, go to hell." I mutter under my breath. Caleb looks up at me and looks back at the guy. Well, that man is dead.

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