Chapter 21

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After two hours of hanging out with Kayden, I went home and showered. I put on black leggings, a grey t-shirt, my black socks that I love very much, and put my hair in a messy ponytail. I hate leaving my hair down when it's wet, I know, I know, it dries your air, but it also sticks to your fucking face.

I was watching Friends when Caleb came in with a bruised face and bruised knuckles.

"What the hell happened?" I asked going over to him and checking his face. He sat down on the chair in the kitchen and groaned.

"Nothing happened, just get me the first aid box." I run to the restroom and grab the little box under the sink and run back to the kitchen.

"Here let me help." I said grabbing the cloth and putting alcohol. I put the cloth on his lip and he groaned while pushing himself away from me.

"Caleb stay still." I hiss. He stays still and lets me clean him up. After hisses and groans I finally finish up. I put the box back under the sink and meet Mark in the kitchen.

"Why haven't you replied to my texts?" He hisses and turns around to meet my eyes. I'm confused, when did he text me? "I texted you three times asking you why are you hanging out with Kayden?" My eyes widened.

"How do you know that?" He clears his throat and shakes his head.

"My men-," I looked at him confused, "I mean Noah told me." He scratches the back of his neck and bows his head. I am gonna kill Noah!

I rush in my bedroom and put on my shoes and jacket and grab my car keys.

"Where are you going?" Caleb asks coming in my room. I turn to face him with an aggressive face.

"Caleb! I know you hate Kayden but he and I are friends! And I know you have problems with him because of your mother, but that doesn't mean you have to prevent us from seeing each other, you and I are nothing but best friends." It's like the last words hurt him, his face looks pained and his breathing has controlled.

"Best friends?" He asks, his voice cracking.

"Yes." He nods and leaves my room. Why is he so hurt for me to call him 'best friend?' People usually get hurt when you call them friends not best friends. Caleb is fucking complicated. I grab my cellphone from the island and leave to my car.

Noah is fucking dead!

I drove to his apartment and knocked on the door. Noah opens the door only wearing boxers and the first thing I do is swat his arm.

"What the hell? Haiz it's ten o'clock, what are you doing here." He squints his eyes and I go in the house.

"Did you tell Caleb I was hanging out with Kayden?" I asked pointing at him. The door to his room opens and Rosie comes out wearing his t-shirt.

"What? No! I haven't been out since school!" He replied. "And you were with Kayden? Jeez that's not gonna go well." He chuckles and scratches the back of his neck.

"Caleb told me you told him." Rosie puts her hands on her hips while looking at me, and this time it isn't a glare bitch face.

"Well Caleb is dumb because I didn't tell him anything." He shrugs and looks at the floor. Rosie sighs and gets in front of him.

"She doesn't know does she?" Rosie turns back to look at Noah and Noah looks at his feet.

"I don't know what?" I asked, worry filling me. They both look at me with sympathy in their eyes. I'm am so confused, what the hell is going on?

"I'd rather let Caleb tell you, if we were to tell you, he would kick our asses." Noah chuckles underneath his breath.

"Is it something bad? Is about Caleb? What's going on? Why can't you guys just tell me?" I asked irritated.

"Haizly, just go home and talk to Caleb whenever you see him." I rub my hand on my face and agreed. I had forgotten they don't know that we live together.

I left their-Noah's apartment and drove back home. What's so wrong that Noah and Rosie couldn't tell me? I closed the door behind me and walked in my bedroom to take off my shoes and jacket.

I knocked on Caleb's bedroom door but didn't hear anything. I knocked again, but this time he opened the door. His eyes look red and swollen, his hair is messy, and his breath smells like alcohol.

"Caleb? Are you drinking?" I asked. He shrugs his shoulders and sits down on his bed, taking a drag of his pipe. I sigh and sit on the other end.

"Noah told me he wasn't the one who told you. You have a secret?" I asked more than said. "They told me to ask you what it was because you were gonna 'kick their asses' and I'm worried that it's something bad. Is it bad?" I looked up to meet his eyes. He took a deep breath and smiled.

"No, it's nothing bad. Just that I wanted to ask you something." He smirks and I tilt my head and nodded for him to proceed.

"I know you said you just wanted to be 'best friends'-" he emphasized with his fingers, "-but I don't care. I like you, I really do. And I know you probably don't like me right now because I won't let you hang out with Kayden." He scrunches up his nose which makes me chuckle. "And I know you don't believe in this 'in love' shit, but I want you to feel how love really is. With me." I stare at him in shock.

Caleb? Likes me? What! No wonder he got so hurt when I said best friends and nothing more. He hates it when I hang out with Kayden, he's always hooking up with me. But, why was he with that girl?

"Why were you with Christina then?" I asked, speaking my thoughts. He looks at me and smirks.

"She was a distraction. A distraction because I have the hugest crush on you and I thought that maybe having a girlfriend would stop these feelings for you, but I just got more attached to you." His cheeks are flushing and he's smirking.

Wow! I did not expect that. I've never had feelings for anyone, maybe only when I was in middle school, but in high school it all stopped. I hated the dating types, I hated love, and I hated everyone who asked me out. But Caleb is different.

We've been friends for two years- three next month. I might've grown feelings for him too, but I didn't want to admit it, not even to myself. Caleb could be very nice sometimes, and that's what I like about him. He's always trying to cheer people up whenever they're down, especially if it's me. We're always together.

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