Chapter 58

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"Haizly your sleeping over with me." Caleb says walking in my apartment and walking in my bedroom.

"Excuse you. Who do you think you are?" I smiled and walked over to my room only to see him packing some of my stuff.

"Your boyfriend." He chuckles. I sigh and go back in the kitchen where I was doing my homework while jamming out to One Direction.

"Do you need to bring anything other than clothes and your bag?" He asks and I shake my head while gathering my books and stuffing them in my bag and putting on my shoes. I grab my phone and my charger and we walk out and go down to his car.

"Do you think we could drop by at the gas station tomorrow morning?" I asked. He glanced at me with furrowed eyebrows.



"We can go now if you'd like?" I shake my head.

"I had an exhausting day at work and I need to go home and study." He nods and grabs my hand. "You okay?" I asked him. He's been off for quite a while. He's quiet and smiles a smile that I won't fall for.

"My mom is getting married. It's official. And she wants us to go the wedding but we're not going." I gasp and sit up in my seat.

"Caleb James Michael Scott! You are going to your mothers wedding! And I don't care if you don't like the lady she's marrying, at least be there for her. She wants you to be there so your going to be there." I raise my voice and look at him with a raised brow.

He is not ditching this wedding. It's his mothers. It's special for her that Caleb and Hannah go. And I hope they both go.

"Fine! But you have to convince Hannah to go too."

"She's not going either?"

"Nope." I groan and nod. Fine, they wanna play hard! Let's play hard! I pull out my phone from my pocket and dialed her number.

"Haizly! Thank god your calling I-,"

"Shush." I interrupted her. "You are going to that wedding! And I'm sorry that she didn't tell you anything but please go. It's your mothers wedding and he least you could do is be there for her."

"You should be telling your boyfriend that, not me." She said with attitude.

"I did young lady! Now I want your ass at that wedding or I will drag you by the hair over there." She laughs.

"Fine! But only if you and Caleb are going."

"Calebs going."

"But I want the both of you. Caleb gets boring and your the only person who actually makes me laugh."

"Hey I am not boring." Caleb says creasing his brows and glancing down at the phone.

"Um, yes you are." I giggle.

"Okay enough. Both of you better be there."

"Your coming too." Caleb says smirking down at me. My mouth is shaped as an 'o' because that caught me by surprise. He stopped the car and kissed my parted lips.

"Ew! I'm ending the call."

"You better be- and she hung up." I chuckle.

"I'm serious, I want you to come to the wedding. Your family, we need you there." I blush and kiss his lips. His kisses trail down to my neck as a moan escapes my mouth.

"Let's go upstairs." I haven't noticed we were outside until he parted from me. I catch my breath and get out, fixing my clothes.

We walked in his apartment and I set my stuff in his bedroom and went back in the kitchen with my books in hand.

"Oh shit!" I heard Caleb yells as I see him trip on his feet and drops the pans. I burst into laughter and set my books down on the island.

"What are you even doing?" I laughed even more.

"I'm cooking something." He gets back up and picks up the pans and puts them on the stove.

"What are you cooking?" I asked and sat down on the stool and opened my books.

"Carne con Chile verde and rice." My mouth watered at the sound of that. I smiled and went back to doing my work. 

The next morning I wake up but Caleb isn't next to me. I groan and look up at the ceiling. I got up and pulled his t-shirt down to my thighs and walked to the bathroom where Caleb was drying his hair.

"Good morning." I said and kissed his cheek.

"Hey." His voice cracks. "Come here." He grabs my waist and puts me on the sink and sighs.

"I don't think I'm going to be able to go to school today." His voice cracks again. I put my hand on his cheek and pout.

"Aw is my baby getting sick?" He pouts and nods, laying his head on my chest. I grab his wet hair and caress his head.

"Okay I'll stay in with you." I kiss his damp hair and pull away. We go in his bedroom and he lied down.

"I'm going to make a soup." He nods and goes under the covers.

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