Chapter 65

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Two weeks! Two weeks ago Caleb left! He's called me everyday to check up on me, he seems like he's doing fine. He said he might get home earlier than he thought and I hope so.

"Haizly Rose Castillo! You better get in here!" My sister yelled from the storage. I groan and get out of my old bedroom and in the storage where she is crouched down on the floor with a huge box full of things.

"What?" I asked her. She got up and handed me a box that had a lot of stuff.

"I found these from my graduation." I smiled and roamed them with my eyes. I remeber her graduation, I just don't remeber putting the stuff back here.

"I can't believe your graduating next month." She puts both hands on my shoulders and shakes them.

"Okay, okay." I said and she chuckles. "We also need new stuff because these things are almsot torn." I said pulling out a sign that would've said 'CONGRATULATIONS' but there are some letters that are missing.

She chuckles and nods. "We can go now?" She raises an eyebrow and purses her lips.

"Sure." Either way if we got them next month everything would've been gone. So yeah might as well get them today.

We got to the store and tried getting some stuff. People from my school were looking at me weirdly like if to say 'what are you doing here?'

We went to the electronic side of the store and blasted some music. Some old ladies would look at us weirdly and we would start laughing.

My phone buzzed and it was Caleb.

"Hello." I said with a cheeky grin.

"Hey baby, what you doing?" I blushed.

"I came with Cara to get decorations for next month." Cara looks at me and smirks. I roll my eyes.

"Oh did you get one of those big balloons that where you pop them confetti comes out of it?" He sounds so excited.

"Yes! I got three. I know how much you liked those, you would always tell me about them in sophmore year." He chuckles.

"I remeber." I smile. We carried on talking about graduation and about how he's doing with the business.

He says there's this girl working with him and who keeps hitting on him. God that boy always makes me jealous!

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