Chapter 16

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I am finally done furnishing my bedroom. My bedsheets are black with fluffy pillows, my baby pig stuffed animal in the middle. I'm in love with pigs, they're adorable.

I have a desk on by my huge glass window where I can get a great view of the city, my mini carpet is black along with my curtains, there's a nightstand and a lamp by the bed, and the closet is by my nightstand.

I'm in love with the way I decorated this room. I sit down on my bed and bring my laptop over. I need to look for a job, I need to help Caleb with the bills.

He told me last night that I don't have to, but I refused and won the argument. He also brought me the bucket of ice cream and gave his whore a bowl with it.

I wrote down some jobs and phone numbers on my phone so that I could call or just go there and ask for a job. I'm not really sure what job I want but let's hope that I get one soon.

"Hey Christina made pie, want some?" Caleb asks opening the door. I close my laptop and nod, hopping off the bed and following him to the kitchen.

"I tried making it by scratch, I hope you both like it." Christina says with a big smile. Maybe I shouldn't hate on her too much. She looks nice, and sometimes even acts nice.

But she's still a whore for getting with Caleb after we had sex!

I sat down at the stool next to Caleb and she served us. "I'll be back, I need to change." She says and leaves the kitchen. I haven't noticed but she wasn't wearing any pants other than her t-shirt.

How great!

"So how do you like it here?" He asks, shoving a spoonful of pie in his mouth.

"It's nice. My favorite part is the living room, I love the red leather couches, they kinda fit your personality." I blush and put pie in my mouth.

"Really? How do?" I clear my throat.

"Because your this badass, the color red that fits you, leather jackets and cigarettes. I'm not making any sense but it just fits you." He chuckles and nods.

"I get you." We continue to ear our pie. "Do you like Christina?" He asks me, leaning to my ear. My breath hitches as he gets closer.

"As in like, she's cool?" I asked. He hummed and nodded.

"I don't really like her, just a distraction." I furrow my brows. I feel bad for The Who-girl. I need to stop calling her that. Christina comes back in the kitchen and Mark moves away from me.

"It tastes good babe." I look at him confused. If you don't like her then split up with her!

"Caleb can I speak to you? Privately?" I asked and got off the stool. The pie in his mouth fell to the plate and I tried not to laugh but failed.

"You eat like a pig!" I laugh, clutching my stomach. Christina joins me in the laughter.

"Oh lord!" Christina puts her hand on her mouth to stop laughing. "You should've seen your face!" Caleb  rolls his eyes and gets off the stool.

"Let's go talk before you two break into another pit of laughter." I followed him behind as we walked in my bedroom. The room looks darker now that the sun is blocked from the clouds. It might rain which gets me happy. I love the rain.

"What do you want to talk about?" He asks, his voice sounding serious as he stared at me with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't think you should be playing with Christina, I mean it's obvious she has a crush on you while your using her for whatever distraction." I cross my arms and look behind him at the time. 11:42. I have to be out by twelve.

"What?" He laughs. "Haizly, I've never heard you say that!" He laughs again. I crease my brows together. "You are the most rudest person I've ever met, your meaner than me." Now it's my turn to laugh.

"Eh I guess you're right. But if you don't like the damn girl break up with her." I swat his chest and turn around to grab my phone and some cash.

"Where are you going?" He asks. I turn to look at him.

"I'm gonna go find a job." I put on my black vans and my dark blue hoodie. Caleb looked down at me.

"Want me to go with you? You could work at my job, I'll ask Cameron is you could work there?" I shook my head rapidly.

"No, no. I need to do this on my own, plus, your job sucks." He put his hand on his heart like if he were hurt. He sticks out his tongue while I scrunch my nose.

"Who the hell taught you that?" He sticks it back in his mouth, his cheeks flush and he puts his hands in his pockets.

I stick mine out to make it even. He looked really embarrassed and I couldn't help but do it too to fix this awkwardness.

"Who taught you that?" He asks laughing.

"You." We both giggle. This isn't us. What are we even doing? We don't giggle or stick out our tongues at each other, I don't usually give a fuck who he's seeing.

But that girl just isn't a fit for him. And I know I shouldn't be saying anything, I have a date with Kayden tonight and I'd rather just focus on that.

"Earth to Haizly." Caleb snaps his fingers in my face, making me look back at him.

"What do you want?" I asked a bit too harshly. Calebs eyes widened in surprise.

"That's the Haizly I've been looking for." I roll my eyes and smack his chest before leaving my bedroom.

"By the way, could I talk to you after you get back?" Caleb asks following close behind me. I walk to the kitchen and grab my car keys.

"Sure, and by the way, I won't be here tonight." He furrows his brows.

"Why not? If you don't mind me asking." I chuckle under my breath and tilt my head to the side.

"Because I'm going.. out.. on... a date." I give him a shy smile. Ugh why do I feel like this isn't going to end well?

"With who?" He crosses his arms over his chest and stares at me intently. My mouth can't function or my mind. The words I wanna say can't fucking spill! He's gonna get mad when I tell him it's Kayden.

"It's Kayden, isn't it?" He seethed through his teeth. I take a step back as he follows. My back hits the island and I curse at it for being so close to me.

"W-well.. Yeah." I stutter. His arm goes around my waist and pulls me close to his chest, his lips pressing on my ear.

"You're mine, and only mine." My eyes widened. He is not serious? I'm no ones! I don't date!

"Um, no. I'm no ones," He smirks and kisses me, hard.

"You're mine. You can go with Kayden, but just so you know, I'm better than he is." My mind isn't focusing correctly. I can't stop him from kissing me, and I don't want to stop him.

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